10 (Part 2)

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"He doesn't want to see anyone dead, not in here anyway. I know that for a fact. He only kills to provoke people and to teach then a lesson. He prefers to torture them a lot more," Felix explained.

Luke began to pull more and more at his fraying jumper and bit his lip slightly harder than necessary. Torture?! He couldn't cope with that. He'd never seen that much violence in his life due to being from England and a second class family in a first world country. Sure, he'd been bullied at school (a few punches were the most violent) and that was for being ginger. And also a prick. But torture? For fun?!

This was some deep shit.

"So, I have a plan. Always have done but we need to be the only ones in on it, understand?" Felix looked into their eyes separately.

They all had to understand whether they liked it or not.

"We have to make sure that he doesn't hear it or find out about it. Come closer," they all grouped together around the table. "So..."

*2 days later*



Luke strolled casually into the kitchen, with a sort of swagger that only ginger Yorkshire people could possess. His eyes glanced toward a draw and then to Zoe.

Target identified.

He glanced over the selection in the draw and pulled out a knife.

Zoe had better play along he thought.

He hid the knife behind his back and crept toward the unknowing beauty guru. His mind raced and his heart pounded.


As he got nearer to Zoe, his palms became a sticky mess; beads of sweat trickled down his back.

Now or never Luke, now or never.
He lunged forward and coiled his arm around Zoe's neck. She gasped and thrashed against his grip. By now, Luke had attracted a scene.

"Luke! What the heck are you doing!" Alfie demanded, starting toward Luke and his now crying partner.

"Get away from me!" Luke showed the knife from behind his back. "Stay away, I will use this!" He waved the glinting object around, making Alfie take a step back.

"Luke! Just put the knife down gently and give Zoe to me," Joe said calmly, opening his arms wide. Just like they'd rehearsed. "We can sort this out."

"How can we?" Luke made his grip around Zoe tighter.

"Luke, we know your stressed, you've just arrived but don't take this out on my sister!"

"Stressed? How can I, the ginger prick that I am, be stressed? I mean, I used to see people locked up, in chains every bloody day outside! People went bat shit crazy and started talking to plants!" Luke grasped Zoe tighter, making her gasp for breath. "If I don't kill her, will you let me go?" Luke asked the camera.

Luke held the knife against Zoe's neck, forcing her head upwards.

"I will do it."

The manager looked on through the camera, his face turned into a grimace. If one of them died, their YouTube channel would have to end. At least, that's what he said.

You see, the manager wasn't running this operation himself. No, the manager was petrified of someone else. Someone greater. Someone more evil.

But if the great 'Zoella' channel is lost, then less money would come his way. What with Zoe having almost 15 million subscribers and her own beauty range. If Zoe was killed, all that would be gone.

Oh God, he had to do this didn't he? He had to let Luke go.

The manager grabbed the phone, mumbling to himself.


"Retrieve Luke Cutforth from the house and bring him to me," the manager demanded. "Only two of you are needed."

The manager slammed the phone back down without receiving an answer.

Damn Sheffield. Damn gingers. Damn Luke Cutforth.



Well, hey there *awkward wave*.


I had no wifi for a week.

I'm mentally scarred.

But, I have wifi now. Yay!

Updating will be somewhat regular from now on, however, I have no more completed chapters atm, so don't be angry/upset with me if I can't update next week.

I hope you like this. I'm allowed to have a go at Sheffield coz I live there so yay! 🐎 neigh

Adios mis amigos!

*forces you to complete a Mexican ritual over a dead pheasant*

(My mum accidentally knocked down a pheasant in her car. It didn't survive. Rip Phil the Pheasant)

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