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Luke heard the door clang behind him, leaving the ginger in pure darkness. Not even an ounce of light escaped from the room next door. His footsteps echoed throughout the halls but then abruptly stopped.

An ominous glow came from a light from the distance. Luke walked towards it, entranced. Like a firefly heading towards an open flame. Dangerous yet too enticing to resist.

A sign hung above a door, giving out a green glow. It read:

'Caspar Lee and Tanya Burr'

Luke could only presume that this was where he was supposed to be headed, as there was nowhere else to go. Only the way that he came in.

The door, sensing movement from outside, automatically opened. Lights flickered on inside, only giving enough light to unstrap the YouTubers from their bounds.

Each YouTuber was strapped to a chair with leather bindings. They were dressed in white and their arms strapped over their chests, as if they were dangerous to society. Each of them were in separate corners of the room, mumbling to themselves and twitching every so often. A bag was tied over their head, just enough to allow them to breathe but not see anything.

Luke gasped. Never had he seen something like this. This was torture.

He quickly walked over to the YouTuber in the left corner, and unbuckled their bindings that strapped their arms to their chest. He untied the bag, which then revealed Caspar Lee.

"Wh-who are you? Where's Phil, he usually comes," Caspar stood up and backed further into the corner.

"I'll explain in a minute, just let me get Tanya," Luke edged over to the woman and untied her as well. "I'm Luke Cutforth and I'm trapped here with you. Now come on, let's get you out."

Luke guided the two back the way he came, through the murky darkness. The belly of the beast. If only I'd brought a torch or something, was only one of the thoughts swirling through his brain. The rest were consumed by anger, hatred and curse words that he wanted to throw at the people who'd locked them in this barren prison.

"Get these to Felix," Luke muttered as he came into the room. "And tell Joe to get his arse here right now!"

Connor took them toward Felix, and a couple of seconds later Joe came running round the corner.

"I really. Should. Be. Used. To. Running now," Joe wheezed. Today was a really hectic day.

A new guy.

Lucas and Jim going crazy.

Caspar and Tanya released.

And all before 10am.

"Th-this is all just completely wrong. I-I don't understand a lot. This is some messed up stuff," Luke scratched his head.

"I think they plan to burn me at the stake
They legit believe I'm Satan
Now I hear that Peta's gonna
Take my Beast away"

"CAN SOMEONE PLEASE JUST TAPE HIS TEXAS MOUTH SHUT?!" Luke shouted directing his anger toward Jon Cozart.

"I tried that once, didn't work," Lily said in an Indian accent.

"And nobody
In all of Oz
No wizard that there is or was
Is ever gonna bring meeeeeeeeeee down."

"I am so close to smashing that plant over his head," Alfie muttered, speaking for the first time.

"I'll join you there," Louise said getting up. "Coming Chummy?"

Zoe nodded. She hadn't spoken for at least a year. Let's just say, that having your younger brother, boyfriend and best friend here in this awful place, really takes a toll on you.

The two girls walked ,past Troyler and in the kitchen. Tyler sensed pickles may be present, and dragged Troye to find some.

This left the following YouTubers in the living room:
-And Marcus, who just seemed to enjoy this new form of entertainment

"Who knows the way out?" Luke asked.

"Felix, he tried but...." Phil trailed off, refraining from saying that when Felix did try it failed and that the largest YouTuber on YouTube was so close to breaking completely.



I think this is the worst chapter I have created so far, especially the first part. But idk. I'm not in the best of moods so I'm real negative rn.

I hope you enjoyed this catastrophe.

Tbh, there really needs to be more Wicked the musical fanfictions on Wattpad cos the ones on here are all a bit crap. All the same storyline and ugh. Like please, get your own story!

This was my birthday present from me to you! Yay, much 14.

Byeeeeeeee xx




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