NY/FL oneshot

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Requested by Bitchyass_tacos


Florida's P.O.V.

Today I'm going to tell him and nothing's going to get in my way this time! At least I hope not this is what I've been telling myself for so long, and yet nothing... I haven't said a thing to him. Today is the day if I want to do anything. I brace myself thinking of the right words and what to say, then I head out of my room to his... Here I go.

I knocked on his door, but to my dismay it was his brother, Massachusetts, that opened the door. "The [Speaks Massachusetts] do you want?" He asked me in an annoyed tone. "I- ummm" "Can you hurry this up dumbass." "I actually forgot what I came to do..." I lied go him not wanting him to know. "Then why are you still here then?" "I don't know... I'll leave." I said and left. I heard him mumble something just befor he shut the door, I don't think I would like to know what he had said.

-Time skip to lunch-

I see NY. He's all by himself as well! This is my chance I hope it actually goes my was this time... I start walking over to him. "What?" He says in his usual sarcastic accent. "I-I wan-t-ted to umm tell yo-you uh someth-thing..." (I get stutters in real life this is how i stutter if I'm able to talk through it which I'm usually not) "Ok?" He said all confused like. I exhale deeply, "Ok, umm I-I like you." I look down and walk away. "Wait" I hear him call from behind me. Scared of the rejection I face I begin to run. I'm outside bow sitting by the woods looking out above the beautiful fall skies although it's cold at least for me seeing as how I'm not used to the cold. (I live in NY and not the city either it gets cold) Maybe I'll just sit out for a bit and head inside quietly and go to my room, if i'm quiet maybe nobody will notice me.

-Another time skip-

I walk inside nobody's here. Yes! I make it all the way to my room going unnoticed, so far so good. I open my door to my room looking down at my feet and give a sigh of relief... Only to look up to see NY sitting on my bed staring at me. Oh no...


New York's P.O.V.

I was in such shock at what FL had just said to me. He actually likes me back. I'm just sitting here smiling like an idiot. My brothers MA and CT walk in and just look at me like I'm stupid. "You look like a dumbass stop smiling like that. You're loosing your touch Yorkie." I wasn't really paying attention to what they were saying so I just walk away. I may be the youngest but none the less I'm the tallest. I go up the stairs and see his room... I go in and sit on his bed deciding to wait for him. He has to come in here sometime today or tonight. Doesn't matter how long it takes I'm gonna tell him how I feel back.


Florida's P.O.V.

"Listen Flo-" He started. "No! I already know you hate me, just like everyone else you don't have to tell me..." I say trying not to cry. "No that's not-" I cut him off again. "Yes it is I-" This time he cut me off... Not by words but with a kiss. "I don't hate you I love you..." He says as I wipe my tears away. "Does that mean that we're together?!" I asked excitedly. "If you want to" he replied. "Ok" I said and sat on my bed. "So..." He started but I pulled him on the bed and held him like a teddy bear. "It's getting late, lets just sleep." "Ok... Night baby" I smiled at that. "Night love"


I thought cotton candy was the thing thats so sweet and fluffy that it rots your teeth not this... Florida is too baby for this world.

Also I hope you liked this.

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