LA/CA Oneshot Part 2

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California's P.O.V.

I touch my lips in disbelief after he leaves while thinking back to what happened today. 'Does he actually like me? No. He doesn't someone put him up to this they had to, nobody likes me and they just like seeing me hurt.' I thought to myself as I walk out of the "meeting room" and to my room. I double checked that the door was locked and sat on my bed and started crying, 'Why? Why me? What did I do to them to make them treat me like this? So bad, so horribly! I don't understand!' I started thinking again after a minute, 'What if I wasn't here, what if I was gone? Dead? Maybe, but what if Louisiana actually did feel this way on his own and wasn't set up by anyone? Well there's one way to find out but I'm not sure if i actually want to hear the answer to it... Perhaps I could just leave for like a week and see what happens when I come back? Yeah, that's what I'll do.' From there I started packing my bags for the week ahead of me.

I have all my stuff packed which isn't a lot seeing as how I still have my old house in my state, and those are my phone, which I am obligating to ignore everyone's messages and calls of they call at all that is, my earbuds, charger, spare power bank, bc sometimes the power goes out from the weather, a couple of my favorite books, and some comforting things, which are kept in my closet so nobody knows about them and makes fun of me even more than usual. Those comforting things are a fluffy throw blanket, a few stuffed animals, and a couple figdets that Jake (NY) gave to me. Speaking of Jake I should probably tell him that way he doesn't worry seeing as how he's literally the only one that would even consider caring where I went... Off to do that now.

I picked up the small backpack/bookbag, unlocked my door, shutting it behind me and set off down the hall to his room, which just so "lucky" for him was in between his two older brothers with the oldest one's boyfriends (MassMaryPenn) rooms not to far away either. I sighed and looked down at my feet questioning if I should go through with this and what all I could gain from it, then finally making a decision I close my eyes and slowly lift my head back up to face his door again. I open my eyes and take a deep breath before stepping forward and knocking on the door softly. He opens it with a grimace look on his face until he see's that it's me. "Oh, hey are you ok?" He asked in a soft accent (hard to describe if you bever heard it, and I grew up around it so...) that most people do not know he could of ever had which let me know that it was him and not city or an act and stepped to the side signalling me that I was aloud to enter his room, which I did. I sat on his bed and he sat next to me like how girls do in the movies (one leg on the floor and the other under them/sitting on it while on the edge of the bed) and looking at me in a caring manner. I took a deep breath and looked him in the eyes, "I gotta get away for a while, I'm gonna go back to my old house for a week." I started "I thought I'd let you know so you don't worry, but please don't tell anyone else and if you have to tell D.C./Gov. Then tell him the same as I told you. 'Don't tell anybody else' ok?" He looked down at his hands in his lap, then brought the one up to his face biting his nails and looking up at me. He took his finger out of his mouth for a second did a small fake smile, as per usual, and said "Ok..." Remaining in the sweet soft tone before putting his finger back in his mouth hearing a small cracking noise as he broke the nail off and spit it out carelessly, looking back down at the messy bedding that is scattered around with stuffed animals of his own. He looked to the side and I looked down before slowly getting up off the bed and somewhat straddling his lap as I gave him a hug goodbye which he returned. Before I opened the door I looked back at him and smiled a little, and when I saw him do one back I opened the door walked out into the hallway once again, shut the door and started to the stairs. Once I walked down them I went straight to the front door, and out of it without saying another word to anyone else. I was going to my real home.


There will definitely be a part 3. Side note if anyone likes Rammstein here's a link to a really amazing story I've been reading:


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