Tabling The Difficulties

294 14 5

Requested by Bitchyass_tacos

Warnings (?):
Little Florida
Panic attacks
FL x TX x NY
Public (kinda)
Other states being mean
Gov. Being Gov. And not understanding
Kinda short kinda not
I think that's it

Human names:
FL: Juan
NY: Jake
TX: Stephen


No one's p.o.v.

9:35, the time that the meeting is ment to start. It is naturally expected that not all of the states are going to come to these types of things, even though they're supposed to. You may have noticed at the top that it said "ment to start" but not everyone gets there in time, or just don't care enough to be there in time. It was about 11 before the majority was there and Gov. would start the meeting.

Florida's P.O.V.

Today's already off to a rough start, nothing is going my way given that it usually doesn't but today just feels harder than the rest of them for some odd reason and now a meeting on top of that. Yelling, screaming, fighting, and more than I can probably handle today. Well no fighting with it they would know that something is wrong if I don't go to this meeting because I am yet to miss one, even if it doesn't concern me. I get there and wait for everyone to show up and as expected it's exactly how i though it would be. I see my boyfriends Jake, and Stephen they aren't exactly paying attention to me right now, but i can see that they're also distraught over the situation as well. I'm feeling cold chills go down and throughout my whole body even though that seems unusual given my climate I knew that it wadn't anything wrong in my state... but with me. I begin feeling the tears prick in the coner of my eyes and cover my mouth as i begin hyperventilating, bad idea yes I know but I can't think straight here. My sobs are sort of loud but over the arguing I don't think anybody can hear them.

New York's P.O.V.

This is so fucking stupid literally name a time that something has actually been solved in one of these meetings. I glance over to Steph I can see him getting annoyed, can't blame him. Then I glance over to Juan... Oh no.. I slowly get up trying not to draw too much attention, I did catch Steph's but he's ok I can see that he noticed as well. We both try to go to him quickly quietly and discreetly as possible, with almost no avail once we were there rubbing his back and trying to calm him down everyone was either staring quietly or asking what's happening, if he's ok, etc... Others like my older brothers are asking why I care, oh yeah I forgot to mention nobody knows that the three of us are together, I just ignore them for now. Then there's the South, obviously not all of them some of them have good hearts but 5 of them that I won't name for now are just beings absoloute dicks about it. If I wasn't trying to calm him down, id it didn't take two of us to do this then I would beat them and I wish I could make that a promise.

Texas' P.O.V.

"Why's he crying like that" and other hate filled questions or comments coming from my right side, sure there are people who do care but that's all that I can hear right now I want to hurt them so badly. (I'm not good at making insults on the spot sorry.) He's almost calmed down now he's stopped crying but he's still awfully red in his face as well as the whites of his eyes, not to mention that he's warmer than usual although I suppose that is normal for how he was crying. After a minute he was fi- shit... He began looking around his surroundings a bit scared and shy of all the people but he sees me and Jake and almost immediately lit up.

Nobody's P.O.V.

As Florida scanned between New York and Texas he got happier by the second and began babbling happily. The other states are getting confused but to those 5 it fueled their hate comments. "Take him back to his room." Jake said (Sorry for switching state and human names so much) "Ok, I'm on it." Stephen said as he picked up Juan and began to leave he heard a "Better be." from behind him and snickered at it as he takes one of his baby boys away in his arms. From back inside the meeting room Gov. says/asks "What was that?!" Jake answers with a half shoulder shrug and does that half-assed smirk that anyone from the North would know (It kinda says I don't know but if you pay the right price I might, or if you ever seen The Walking Dead it's the thing that Merle did before he gets into a fight) and replies back "I don't know..." He then looks down and pulls out the gun like he did in that one video and continued on to say "But if you say another word about it then you should be damn well prepared to eat lead." It shut everyone up quite quickly, except for his brothers Pennsylvania and New Jersey who were howling in excitement about how snoothly he had pulled it out and acted. He put it away and backed up to the door slowly and exited the room. He heads straight to Juan's room where him and Stephen were plating with the building blocks and stuffed animals, as he sat down next to them Juan jumps on him as Stephen leans over to pick up the tipped sippy cup filled with juice and holds onto it for when Juan is thirsty again.


Sorry it took longer than expected, but i hope you enjoy it anyway.

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