8,866 Miles Away

280 10 6

-Sad AF

-Possible triggers
    -Car crash
    -Tex is Laskie's legal guardian (He's 15 bc why not)

-Alaska goes to his state and rides motercycles and dirt bikes.

-Alaska's name is Sasha Braginsky

-Texas' name is Stephen Hernández Valdez Martinez

-Further note for second paragraph in my AU Pennsylvania is albino so I made Gilbert Beilschmitt (Prussia/Prußen) his dad which makes tge other Germanic countries/nations his aunt's and uncle's, but because it's Gil he didn't tell them so PA is kinda like a secret.


Texas's P.O.V.

It's been a while since I heard from Sasha, 3 months to be exact I usually hear from him every day when he leaves. This isn't normal for him I think something's wrong, really wrong, but I don't know what it is and that makes me mad. I decided to go downstairs and see if anyone else has heard from him although I doubt it at this point, but it was still worth a shot... Right? First I need to get dressed and shower though, so I grab out some clothes which just happen to be my reddish-maroon button up and slightly wore out jeans along with a pair of black socks and boxers.

I finish my shower and get dressed then I wait for my hair to dry before putting on my cowboy hat and boots then go downstairs into the living room. On the couch I see Jake (NY), Juan (FL), Louie (LA), Xavier (CA), Ben (MA), Connor (CT), Fritz Jr. (PA) (Sidenote: If you understand this Hetalia reference I love you), and Max (MD). Well only two people here somewhat like me I think, but I have to know this. "Umm, hey... Any of y'all see 'Laska 'round, or 'least heard from 'im?" "No, sorry Sha." "Nope." Juan said popping the 'p' and just a final "No." From the rest. I begin to walk away when Xavier said "Is there something wrong?" I didn't know how to respond to that so I just simply said "No, just been a while since I heard from 'im" at first he gives me a skeptical look before turning back to his book and says "Ok." I knew I probably shouldn't have said that but I didn't want to have to deal with them, that being said I walk out in the kitchen to grab some breakfast and see some other Southern states in there as well... Well besides Georgia. They just look at me and either nod or mutter a small "Mornin'" to be fair none of us are exactly morning people. I decide on just a bowl of cereal and a cup of tea, sweet tea (I feel luke the OG 13 would just be like 'yeetus thy fetus' but with tea bc ye) after that I see nothing better to do so I just go back upstairs to my room.

I was in my room (Blasting MCR when-) listening to some light dark country (Imagine Grave Digger by Blues Saraceno) when my phone started ringing, I pick it up and then look at the contact name then I get excited because I realize it's Sasha, I then answer it as fast as I coupd after reading that "Hey 'Laskie how're you?" "I-I I don't know! I fucked up, I donmt remember how I just know that I did! It hurts so much!" He was sobbing as he said that then i heard from the line as he was crying "Sir, I need you to call down." He then starts crying more after whoever else is there said that. "What's going on?!" I ask in complete and utter concern. He was still crying "I-I-I think-k I crashed. I don't know!" Then he went back to crying "Where are you?! I'll be there as soon as I can" "I'm at ***********" "Ok I'm coming just hold on."

After that I don't even bother to pack I just run as fast as I possibly can outside and get in my car then I drive to the airport. When I get up to the front desk I ask the lady behind it "Whats the closest flight to ***********?!" I didn't realize that I was crying until I heard my own voice, but then I heard her say "Well it's gonna leave in a half hour so you should probably hurry up then." I gave ger the money for the ticket and run towards the checking center and told them that I was in a hurry so I didnmt pack anything except my small carryon, and that being said there might be a small tin of chewing tobacco since I didn't check it before I left and that they could take it if there was because at that moment I couldn't care less. After they checked me I ran to the boarding place and get on the plane, my mind was racing the whole flight there I didn't know what to do or what to expect for when I get there, but what I do know is that I'll be there for him no matter what.

I get there to the place where he said, I then realize that it's a hospital and get even more scared which I didn't know was even possible at this time, but I man up and walk in towards the front desk then ask the person behind it "Is Sasha Braginsky here?" And for a response I had gotten "Yes, he had just woken up from a coma yesterday, I assume you were the one he was on the phone with?" Coma?! What kind of shit did you get into "Yes, I was which room is he in?" "That would be room ***" "Thank you" then I head off as fast as I could wothout running to where they had said and once I see the room number I knock on the door. "Stephie?" I hear quietly from inside "Yeah" "Come in." And with that I had no hesitation into going in the hospital room. He looked terrible: thinnier, paler, and his long hair all greasy from not being washed and not to mention his eyes that were usually a beautiful almost hypnotic bright sparkly green, blue, and purple swirl mix were now dull and red from all rhe crying he had done previously. I had never imagibed anything like this and when I take a closer look I notice his legs have these weird braces on them, his right shoulder patched as best to it ability, his left hand in a cast and stitches on his face going to other exposed areas on his body. Just the right of him made me want to cry, for I wish it was me that it had happened to so that he could've been spared from this tormentful pain. I tried to speak but nothing came out so instead before he saw me cry I very gently and careful walk up to the side of the hospital bed lean over the saftey bars and hug him, I felt him stir a bit but not in pain the kind of stir that shows he wanted to hug me back but his condition wouldn't let him.

After sitting and enjoying each others company for a while a doctor comes in "I hope I wasn't disturbing anything." "No, you're alright." I said wiping my eyes a bit "Ok well I'm here to tell you about how Sasha ended up here and what his conditions can and most likely will result in, alright?" He said looking in between us, then I nod my head and look over to Sasha who just moves his eyes to avoid the connection between the doctor, who then clears his throat. "Well then, you were in a motercycle crash due to the rough roads as you hit a very large pothole and flew off of the bike and hit a tree at a quite high velocity which got your tailbone the most, and as you hit the ground you hit your head and slid a bit across the asphalt." I just sat there in shock as the doctor continued on with it all, I felt as if I would be bursting out in tears at any given moment, but I had to stay strong for him. I felt the ever so slightest bit of relief as the doctor gave a pause to let us process that, but then it all came back as he continued to what might happen. "So as I said the majority of the 'hit zone' that you had was on your tailbone, there is a very high chance that you could be paralyzed from the waist down." In that exact moment it felt as if the entire world stopped and I can only imagine Sasha was feeling the same way, I can also inagine that the doctor felt the energy come off of us because he said "I'll give you some time." Then with that he left us alone in the room. I then look over to Alaska who just has this look that I can only describe as a mix of despair, anger, doubt, and the will to give up instead of going forward, it makes me want to be mad at him for feeling like that but I can't because that's how I'm starting to feel about this as well although I would never say it ever.

-Time Skip To Hospital Discharge Date-

I was in the waiting room being so anxious to see him as they had to do surgery on himand I of course wasn't allowed in, I then begin to hear footsteps and small squeaks so then I look to where it's coming from and there he is with the doctor wheeling him down the long somewhat narrow hallway. The fact that he's in a wheelchair tells me that the surgery didn't work and that he was truly paralyzed, and it got confirmed when I saw his face then the doctors. "I assume you can already tell whats happening, correct?" I knew it was the doctor but I really didn't want to look at him so i just nodded looking down slightly past my hands that were folded together and down towards the tops of my boots. I heard a sigh I couldn't tell who it jad came from "I can give you the card to a nice physical therapist. I believe it will help you cope better and learn how to adapt to this faster." I can only assume he was talking to Alaska but I couldn't really tell because I still wasn't looking and it was clear that he didn't want to talk "Ok, well here it is... I would consider it. You are free to go but stop at the front desk to see your papers for the diagnosis and medications that had been prescribed for you." "Alright doc." With that I stand up and hold onto the bars of the wheelchair and start rolling him towards the front desk. We grab the papers and head out of the hospital and to his house up here.


Should I make a part 2 where Alaska goes to therapy and then back to the statehouse and see the others reactions?

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