LA/CA Oneshot Part 3

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Louisiana's P.O.V.

I watched as California walked out of the house with a bag, and an expression on his face that I can only describe as a mix of lonely, sad, and something else that cannot make out... Did I have something to do with this when I had kissed him earlier? I might've now I feel bad, I'll apologize to him when he gets back later. For now all I can do is stay sober and wait for him to come back so I can make up with him, I'd hate to hurt someone that I love and care for so much. The last time I felt like this was a long time ago before we lived in this place which has been dubbed the statehouse, and the person was Juan but after learning about what had happened to him I figured that it would be better to just stay friends, for both of us that way neither of us would get hurt. I've been on dates and things like this since then seeing as how we had just met and we were still children who had just became states, probably over 200 years ago as a rough estimate, I've never felt such a connection to someone and I couldn't bare to let him go or ness anything up between us, which I believe that I already have.

-Time Skip-

It's been two days... Two days since the man I love had left... Two days since I drove him away... No! I'm not gonna get drunk or high... Maybe just a cigarette or two would do it, just enough to calm me down into thinking straight, No pun intended, then I could head off and see if I can find him because it's been so long, (since last I've seen my son, lost to this monster, the man behind the slaughter- I'm sorry) too long. Maybe I can ask people that knew him before and cared for him at a time like Washington or Oregon... Although him and New York still seem close I could ask him as well. I thought to myself as I headed outside for a smoke since D.C./Gov. had made it clear that he didn't want anybody to smoke inside the house.


California's P.O.V.

Well two days out of seven down and the only person that has called me is Jake to check up on me morning and night. *Phone Ringing* Speaking of Jake that's him, I think as I pick up the phone and answer it. "Hey" I said in my regular voice he knows literally everything about me and I do him so there's no point in trying to hide anything like I would for others as it would probably worry him. "Hi,... Louisiana's asked about where you were,... I told him, well I had city tell him that I wasn't going to tell him and he got a bit upset I think and left..." He replied in his actual voice that as said before not many people know about. "I wonder why" I told him as I heard him bite another of his nails off through the speaker as I was thinking back to when Louisiana had kissed me. "Ummnn" I heard which I could only assume was him saying 'I don't know' with a finger in his mouth. Another small snapping noise then he said "Just thought I'd let you know" "Ok,... Thanks." I said not knowing what else to reply with. There was a moment of silence until I heard a small "Anytime" from the other end. "Umm... Bye" I said in a somewhat questioning tone. "Mmm" he hummed into the speaker before a little "bye". -End Call- He's always so sweet when nobody else is around, it's pretty adorable to be honest. Anyway it's still early I think I'll watch a movie or two and then start making dinner, because it's not actually early the sun is still shining is all, I would imagine around 17:00 (5 pm). We'll anyway onto do that now...


Louisiana's P.O.V.

After I saw that New York was no help, I was kind of angry but I understand. Besides like I said before I can ask Washington and Oregon or ooh his brother Colorado I forgot about him... No he'd be high, I think I'll just stick to Washington and Oregon. Well off to go ask them, I think as I walk up the stairs and try to figure out which doors are theirs. Once I finally found Oregon's room I knock on it gently but also urgently, after a minute he opens the door with a confused look on his face. "Do you need something?" He asked "Umm, if California was going to get away somewhere, where would he go?" I answered his question with another question. He gave me a weird looked and smirked at me with a look that had judgemental written all over it. "Why do you wanna know about him?" He replied once again with a question as he started leaning against the door frame with his arms in front of him somewhat crossed at the wrists. I felt my face turn red and I couldn't tell if it was in embarrassment or anger and said "Umm he's been gone for 2 days and nobody else knows where he is, he left without saying anything, I'm worried aren't you?" "Not really" he had replied which got me boiling with anger before he continued while pushing himself off the door frame and backing up into his room "I would try his old house in his state, that would be the best bet." And with that he closed the door, but at least I now knee what I had to do, and where I had to go.

-Time Skip-

I believe I was at the place where Oregon told me, it was quite big, not nearly as big as 'The Statehouse' but bigger than mine, and probably most of the south's, it was about 3 floors if I had to estimate with an ocean front view and in a quite desolate area which is surprising, at least for me, it was quiet all that was to be heard was animals and the wind, I could see a car that is quite believable to be his and the house was a lovely blue and white mix with garden beds and a stone-concrete path-way to the door. 'Well time to go knock on the door and check it out' I told myself l... 'It's now or never and i already came all this way there was no turning back now' I thought as I was walking up the pathway slowly while takimg deep breaths.


California's P.O.V.

I was sitting in my living room eating a piece of toast, when I heard a knock at the door... Strange, but I'll answer it anyway I thought as I got up and headed towards the door. I was looking down when I opened it and I saw a familiar pair of shoes that made me look up at their face immediately... Louisiana... "Wha- ah- what are you-ou doing he-here?!" I had stuttered out. He looked down and then back up at me and took a berth while closing his eyes. "Look I'm sorry I didn't mean to make you feel uncomfortable." He said in his thick drawl that made me blush everytime. "...I'll leave you alone now..." He had said after a minute and began walking away. I ran up to him and grabbed his wrist "WAIT!" I yelled, "I thought that someone had set you up into doing it, I should've checked woth you instead of leaving like this... I-I" at fhis point I was crying he turned to me while I was ranting off to him, I was so overwhelmed in this moment I wasn't sure what to do until I felt his hand lifting my chin and our lips connect once again, his right hand caressing my face and his other snaking around my waist as mine go to his chest and around his neck. We pull away after a minute and then he says with a red face "So does this mean..." He trailed off but I knew what he meant so I replied with a nod and a small "Yeah it does" he gently grabs my hand and pulls me towards his car and I said "Umm hold on let me go get my bag "Oh yeah i forgot you had one when you left" he replied and following me in once I had it together and made sire it was all in there I turned around to be met with his chest as he picks me up and carries me bridal style to the car, befire setting me down next to tge passenger side and opening the door I sit and he buckles me in, both of us blushing, before he goes on the driver side and climbs in himself and turns on the radio before driving off back to 'The Statehouse'.

-Time Skip... Again-

We're back now and he repeats the same ritual before including carrying me inside bridal style we're both smiling with red faces as we enter the house, which gave us a few... Well a lot of looks from the other states, but we didn't pay any attention to it as he carried me upstairs and as we get closer to my room Jake opens his door and playfully rolls his eyes while sticking his tounge out at us which made us giggle a bit. We get to his room and he opens the door and sets me on the bed while laying next to me and we just lay there holding each other for a few minutes before looking into each others eyes and smiling and he locked our lips again for a second and then looked back into my eyes before quietly saying an "I love you" which made both of us smile and I look back at him and reply with "I love you too" he smiles and tackles me down to the bed before tickling me until I can't breath and am crying from laughing so hard, before lowering him self down to kiss me again then laying down next to me and we hold each other again and he says "Good night mon chéri" with a smile on his face and I just cuddle into his chest and say "Good night".


The end

People outside their room must be shook


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