Songfic FL Angst? Fluff?

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Song: Engel by Rammstein (English Version)

    -Hetalia crossover
    -Bad accent writing
    -Smol heated scenes


Florida's P.O.V.

I sat on the end of my bed, thinking about something that I hadn't nor wanted to in a long time... My Antonio. I hate him, I always have. He's such a horrible person, he did such horrible things to me and his servants. Except Lovino who also goes by Romano, but wanta to be called South Italy. He always got away with everything and Antonio took it oit on us... It's not fair, and now I now the reason why.

Who is good on earth in life?

I'm holding the envelope from Antonio inside contains a card, to be more specific a wedding invitation... For him and Lovino, but why invite me? It's probably just a trap... but what if it's not? Maybe he actually wants to make things right with me, although that doesn't sound like something he would do.

Will become an angel after death

I sat contemplating whether or not to go, and if I do then I would need a plus one... I mean this was going to be a gay wedding anyway, so whats the problem if I bring my friend, or my crush... I look up with my eyes closed, "Should I do this?" I say aloud to myself. "Should you do what?" I heard a familiar accent say. I open my eyes and snap my head over to the door as fast as I can to see him there, my crush.

You then ask the view of the sky

In the doorway stood the tall, somewhat sunkissed tan, well built Jett Kirkland, personification of Australia. A.K.A. my crush... There aren't enough words for me to tell you how hot he was. I felt myself get red, and a case of cotton mouth. "You alroit there, mate?" He asked in a concerned manner. I got even redder, "Umm y-yeah just read-ding something my 'dad' sent-t" I was able to stutter out embarrassingly. "Oh um alroit.." He said looking away and making a small shifting moment and that's when I actually looked down at him.

Why you can not see her

He was only wearing a towel around his face, and surprise surprise my face got red again. I suppose he noticed me looking, as he said "Er um sorry I just got back from a swim meet, End I took a shower... I'll er go..." "WAIT" I surprised both of us by yelling he turned and looked at me. "Umm, my 'dad's' getting married and I need a plus one. You don't have to of you don't want to and it doesn't need to be as a relationship, but-" he cut me off both of our faces are now red. "I would love to, we can talk more about it end stuff later, Imma go finish up end then I'll be back, ok?" My throat went dry again as I swallowed "O-ok" He smiles and walked off, after shutting the door.

Only when the clouds go to sleep

He just agreed to be my plus one, I can't believe it I'm so happy. Now to think over what just happened and to prepare myself for what will happen in the future. I didn't know which one I should focus on more Jett or Antonio and Lovino. I'll worry about that when the time comes, but for now I suppose I should try to prepare myself for what is to come.

Can you see us in the sky?

Matt came back into my room in a pair of shorts and Tims with white socks sticking a bit above the top of them. He sat on my bed with me, close to me, almost on top of me. Not that I had a problem with it, but it still got to me internally. After about an hour or two we have a plan on what to do to prepare, and what to do when we get there.

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