YorkCali bc why not

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Emilygomse thank you again for letting me use your ideas. Also thank you GeorgiasWifey for letting me use your "New York's Daughter" idea.

-Things you may not like
    -My AU human names
        -Cali- Xavier
        -NY- Jake
        -Mass x Flo
        -Colorado x Connecticut


New York's P.O.V.

Everything was going great we loved each other and we saw it as a good thing when we eloped and moved out of the statehouse and got our own, which it was we're still working on getting everything in the house to how we want it ad far as displaying pictures, figurine's, and such as that as well as the furniture in the rooms. It was a regular house upstairs, downstairs, small attic (that we probably won't use), and a storm basement for emergencies and a bit of storage. There was also a winery that Xavier owned, seeing that this is his home state. Nothing was ever going to ruin this for us, I love him way too much to hurt him. *1 Phone call later* It was one of my older brothers, Massachusetts. He had proposed to his now fiancé Florida, and our other brother Connecticut is dating Colorado. I'm so happy for them, since I'm already taking a break from organizing what we unpacked I figured that I might as well go tell Xavier. He was standing to the door talking to someone, a girl talking to him I see them hug "I love you" that was the only thing I heard, I'm probably  overreacting but it hurt me so i just walked away unnoticed and went back to the room I was working in to try and distract myself so I don't cry. If he comes up I'm going to ignore him not because I'm mad, but so I don't let any tears slip out in front of him.

California's P.O.V.

I was downstairs organizing the kitchen while Jake was upstairs in the bedroom, I heard a knock on the front door so I go to answer it when i open the door i see a girl she doesn't look too old so I look past her seeing if her parents are with her, but it seems as if she's all alone. "Oh. Ummm, how old are you?" "Well my name's DJ and I'm 10." (I don't know how old she actually is) I continue to look around past her, nope no one at all. "Where, ...where are your parents?" "Well, my mom showed me a picture of my dad and told me some stuff about him and I wanted to find him, since my house isn't far away." "Okay well be careful, do you need help finding him?" I wanted to help her so that way nothing happens, she seems too sweet and there are a lot of bad people in this world now. She smiles up at me and takes out a picture, "I don't think so!" She said happily while handing me the picture. I was taken aback, it was me... "I-" I thought I was going to cry out of joy as i pulled her into a tight hug. "I love you" I said to her as I heard Jake behind me I was still holding her. We let go of each other and she jumps at me to hug me again. "Daddy, don't cry!" She tells me. "No, it's ok I'm just happy." I stand up and take her hand, "Jak- e?" He wasn't there when I turned around. "Hmm..." "Is everything ok?" I heard DJ say "Umm yeah I just want you to meet someone." "Okay!" Maybe he went back upstairs, I thought as I headed up the stairs. I walk into the bedroom that he was still working on and he was in here. "Baby? Jake? *Sigh* Well um this is my daughter DJ..." I said pointing to her. He turns around "...What?" "Oh um, this is my daughter... DJ." He looked at her and got down to her level and looked at his arm where his tattoo from his daughter who had passed tragically and young. I notice his distress and put a hand on his shoulder and say "DJ, this is your stepdad, Jake." She got all happy and hugged him, i wasn't sure how he was voing to react but he hugged her back as if she was his Evie. I couldn't imagine what was going through his head but I'm glad that he's taking it so well... God I love this man. I look back and DJ has a look on her face that I can't quite figure out, "Is something wrong, Pumpkin?" She looks up to me and asks "Can I live with you?... Mommy said that she-" we both look at her. "She said what?!" Jake asked quite harshly. "Baby calm down, what happened?" I asked getting down to her level. "Nothing, but can I?" "Of course, it just might take a while to get your stuff together." She smiled again and said "Okay!" I wonder how this all is going to effect us all, hopefully in good terms.


All I could think of while writing this was Bakugo has kids.

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