LA angst

538 11 6

Louisiana's P.O.V.

It should be unbearably hot... But I feel cold in this moment. Everyone is cheering this event on, while I am forced to 'stand' here. It is October beautiful surroundings, the leave's are falling in an assortment of colors... Red, orange, brown, and green. The haybails stacked all up next and on top of each other in front of the large cornfield. Everything would've been so memorizing, so beautiful, it looked like a picture ready to be painted.... And there was someone making out this image as we 'speak'... Not as the field, not the trees and leaves, no not even the crowd chanting on... But of me. Why, you may ask? Because the year is 1643 and being Pagan, a religion that had came way before Catholic, was illegal. I'm not sure why they had to fight to stand up for their religion, it should come natural that they should let others have theirs... But no it has to be their way or... This... And what is 'this' you may ask? Well as stated before Pagan, which I am, nobody here accepts it, as it is a form of witchcraft, a dishoner to their God. I am being burned at the stake, but what they don't know is that I have already been through this multiple times throughout the years. And you can't kill something that's already dead. It should at least hurt, but I have gotten used to this feeling... I had to. Maybe if I pretend to die they will stop... I can try that... I want this all to stop...


Kinda a vent fic. I'm not Pagan but I am lesbian and I hate the way that (some) Catholics use their religion as a way to shame and look down upon others for their choices. Like in the one episode where California said if a religion tells you to do that then it shouldn't be a religion. Sorry if you're Christian and this offended you (If you're actually a good person, and people that watch Ben Brainard usually are because of how he speaks).

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