secrets reviled

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---------------Jacob’s PoV--------------


“what do you mean Alex” I growled at him


“The rogues are after him, and attacking here for him and there for you. If they can get you, they get not only your pack but will most likely get Alex. They get Alex they get you and your pack and the Luna pack.”


“why would they want him other than to get to me”


“that’s none of your business” John said defensively


“look, we are mates this is nothing you can do about that, we’re together there's nothing you can do about that. MY MATE is in danger and there is lots you and I can do about that, you have two options here. Tell me why and we protect him so he’s not kidnaped in the first place, our packs stay allies and here, or you don’t he gets taken possibly killed our packs have a fallout, if they still exist.” I tell him hitting the desk angrily catching Rivers attention


John was silent for a moment “Fine, bring some fighters well meet. There’s more to this then a pup like you could know” He said and I could hear the smirk in his voice at the last comment as he hung up the phone. I growled slamming the phone and looking at River.


“Get the upper fighting legion, we’re going to the luna territory, now” I told him charging out of the room. Soon River and 10 of the packs best fighters were with us.


“Come on lets go” I said shifting and running towards the threshold of our packs territory. We run past killing some rogues as we went along. we walked onto the porch and into the house, we walked into the meeting room to see John hang up the phone. His mate handed us some shorts to change into. We all shifted and slipped them on.


“Why, tell me why there after him!” I growled at him

“don’t talk to me in that tone” he said smirking at me

“John, Alex is in danger. I get you don’t like me, but I still need to protect him I can’t do that if I don’t know why” I said to him


“Hes a druid” He said calmly


“John we don’t have time to mess around”


“I’m not, his mother is a druid he’s also half. Half wolf half druid.” He said standing up leaning over the desk

“Their after his power, and yours boy you better be cut out for your responsibilities you have a lot of them if you want my son” He whispered to me walking out of the room slamming the door


“But there extinct” River said disbelievingly


“No, we went into hiding” Maria Alex’s mom said from the other side of the room


“But all the history books, why didn’t anyone know” River said


“We didn’t want this to happen, we were hunted always. We always had too look over our shoulder. We all went into hiding, the only ones that were allowed to know where our families, protectors, mates and there pack”


“I read about them before” I said to her trying to recall all the info from the books.


“so thats what  you were doing at the library” Mark said behind me


“yes it said that they were mated to Alphas exclusively so they had more protection. They had a protector and nature magic, They can’t be use it to hurt people, but to protect themselves if necessary. It can manipulate the elements, heal others and themselves.” I say


“yes that is all true, Alex is not here so now hes safe till they find him”


“Where is he” I said quickly


“that I can’t say”


“Maria, I need you!” we heard John call out


“I got ot go but be careful who you trust” she said softly walking out


“I think I know where he is” I said


“River take them back I’m going alone” I said running out of the house. I  start off towards the first persons house I can think of...Kat. I walk onto the porch and knock.


“hell-” I cover her mouth and drag her out shutting the door.


“He’s here isn't he” I said letting her go


“what are you talking about” she said wiping her face


“Alex, I know who you are and what he is” I said to her

“Now, I know he’s here just tell me hes safe”

“he’s fine, now I have job to do that you. I must go babysit your mate leave… wait how do you know where I live!” She yelled at me


“I followed your sent sorry I was worried”


“and how do you know”


“His mom and dad Told us about Alex and you. I put two and two together”


“fine whatever go away you can have him later” he said pushing me off her porch.


“ok ok I’m going I’m going” I sigh

“Stay away from him for a bit its my turn” she growled shutting the door. Great now I have everyone against me


Hi guys sorry I know its short but what can I say... I tried to get this up yesterday but the snow knocked out my electric there for my wifi. Hope you like it!

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