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Cato to the top-----^

----Alex's PoV----

I knocked on Kat's door again and sat on the porch swing waiting for someone to answer. Within seconds the door was thrown open and and a hyper Dylan jumped out.

"Are you ready to train, loser" Dylan yelled giving me a thumbs up before an egg and flour Kylie stomped out.

"You!" Kylie yelled before Dylan grabbed my arm and ran towards the back yard.

"What did you do, Dylan" I asked as she dragged me behind one of the tree in Kat's back yard.

"We were making breakfast and I tripped, she thinks it was on purpose." Dylan pouted at me as a pissed Kylie peaked around the tree.

"Save your selves!" Dylan yelled trying to run from her mate. Kylie grabbed her around the waist before pushing her up against the tree.

"You Dill will pay for that" Kylie growled making Dylan shiver

"Yes Master" Dylan whimpered out breathlessly

"I don't know what kinky stuff you two are into, but I only came for training." I growled at them pushing Kylie off Dylan. "So come on" I growl walking back into the large empty part of the backyard.

"Geesh, ok stick in the mud" Dylan muttered under her breath as she walked over to me and Kylie retreated back into the house.

"I'm not a stick in the mud I just want to get todays training done before I have to go pick up my son" grit out as she walked a circle around me.

"You're half Werewolf correct?" she asked me

"Yeah, so what" I said glaring at her

'Have you shifted yet?" she asked me putting her hand on my forehead and closer her eyes

"No, I didn't think I would" I said as her eyes opened in surprise.

"You should, but it had a mental block on it." She said biting her lip

"A mental block?" I asked her questionly

"Warlocks and druids can put blocks on some powers. One of those is shifting, It's not that strong so I can break it easily" She said shrugging

"Would you?" I asked hopefully

"I kinda half to if we are to get anywhere, are you ready?" she asked me placing her hand on my head once again.

"Yeah go ahead" I said and she nodded.

"This may hurt...a lot" she said before a sharp pain shot through my head down my spine and back up to my head. Then I saw a flash. I was no longer in Kat's back yard, I was in my room. Before I could call out a little voice came from behind me.

"Mommy, I wanna go out and play!" a small me called out from my bed as my mother came out of the bathroom.

"Not yet, I half to do something first." She said sitting on the side of my bed.

"But, mom!" I whined as she placed her hand on my head like Dylan did.

"Hush now, good night Alex" My mom said before the mini me screamed in pain before his eyes rolled back in his head and he went limp on the bed. Mom sighed and kissed his head apologizing and leaving the room.

"Alex!" I heard Dylan yell as the scene in front of me faded away in front of me. I blinked a few times and looked up to see a pouting Dylan.

"What? I was--" I started before I was cut off by yet another sharp pain but this one was much worse. It felt like there was lava flowing through my veins. I felt my arm drake and tears started to roll down my face. It felt like every bone in my body was being broken and then being put back together. I heard Dylan cheer and yell some but I was in too much pain to listen to what she was saying. When the pain finally stopped I didn't have the strength to even lift my head. I felt so weak and everything was still kinda aching. I felt a huge wave of exhaustion hit me like a ton of bricks. I let my head fall and my eyes close as I descended into the dark.

----Jake's PoV----

I closed the file and sighed leaning back in my chair. I'm really worried about Alex. I don't know what is going to happen to him. I got up and walked out to get some water but I felt a slight pain in my head.

"Great, now I have a headache" I growled to myself getting a glass of ice water and chugging it before going back to my office. By the time I sat down there was another sharp pain going down my spine. I finally realised that this was not my pain, it was Alex's. My phone went off and I picked it up without even looking at the screen.

"What is happening!" I yelled into the phone.

"Alex just shifted, I was asked to call you" came Kylie's bored voice.

"I'm on my way." I said hanging up and running out of my apartment and down the stairs out the back door. I shifted and darted into the woods. I dodged trees and jumped over logs. I was at Kat's house within minutes. I broke through the tree line and saw the most beautiful wolf ever, he had a pure white coat and a black nose. He was small and curled up in a tight ball. I walked over and nudged his cheek. His wolf whined in its sleep and I purred at the reaction. It was the cutest thing I have ever heard.

"I undid the block on his powers and he shifted, it sounded painful" Dylan said patting his head, making me nip at her hand. I curled my much bigger body around him protectively. I slipped my paws under his head and licked his ear making it twitch. Alex's wolf should be in control when he comes to. I felt him move closer and whine meaning he was waking up. I once again licked his cheek and nipped lightly at his ear. He shook his head and opened his eyes which automatically meet mine making him yip happily.

'Hello, little one' I linked him as he jumped up and skipped around in a circle.

'Hi, mate! I'm Cato, I'm so happy I could finally meet you!" He yipped happily again nuzzling his head under mine lovingly. He's so beautiful.


Ok guys, there are no votes or comments on the book thing so I picked the next book. The book coming out after this one is The Angle's Demon. If you want a quick summery go check it out, thanks!

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