dad's discuss

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Xavier's pic to the side-------------------------->


-Xavier's PoV-

"so your telling me that your son is mated to my son...both males and yours soon to be alpha." he said in disbelieve.

"yes you can ask Jacob, he will tell you the same. Alex and Jacob are mates." i said for the 5th time

"And i left  him alone with that boy!" he yelled bolting out of the room to I'm guessing Jacob's room

I'm not sure what he will do but well find out.

-Jacobs PoV-

I lay down next to my mate as he slept. I rap my arms around his waist and pull him close to me, and move some hair from his face kissing his head. them i hear my door slam open.

"hello Jacob how are you. grate grate. now get away from my son!" John growled out pulling Alex away softly not to wake him

"Give him back" i wined out

"no hes coming home with me till he knows about us" he said solemnly

"I can tell him, just don't make him leave yet" i said upset. he was taking my mate and I new I couldn't do anything about it because it was his father.

"I'm sorry son. you'll see him tomorrow but he must come home now" he said walking out

--------John's PoV----------

I can't believe that my son is mated to a Alpha. Well I guess i can, he always seemed to be vary submissive, but i still didn't think he was mated to an alpha. His older brother Matt will take over the pack so that's not a problem, but he might not find his mate in time but there is something no one knows My son is also a Druid. His mother, Maria was a druid as well. A Druid is species that can, conjure ruins and can see the future, but are traumatized vary easily. A ruin is a magic sell or sine that faeries can also make and some humans.

I do feel bad for keeping so much from him, but Maria and I think that this is the best option to keep him safe. Until he knows I want to keep him and Jacob distant, till Alex rebels of course. He has always had a hot head and if he wants something he will find a way to get it. He will also find a way to prove you wrong if he thinks you are. He once did 4 days of research on "Ways the Wolf population affects an ecosystem", just to prove a teacher wrong. Alex also loves wolves I'm sure you can guess why.

His friend Kat may help but I'm not sure, Kat and Alex have been friends for 15 years and sometimes she knows better for him then we do no mater how much i wish not to believe it. Kat is caustic (vary sarcastic), overprotective, and quite popular. Kat is ummm "unique" to say the lest she plays the flute in the school band with Alex and violin in orchestra, but she plays volleyball, soft ball, and basketball. Shes vary dominant so before i worried about her being with Alex but that so n faded  as we got to know her. Alex on the other hand is vary submissive, not really popular but has friends as far as we know. Alex is musical gifted he plays flute, 3 types of guitar, drums, violin, piano, clarinet and, saxophone. Hes also grate in Art and cooking for that matter. Now physically he can't do much, he practised Akedo for 3 years but he never liked it. He was decent because of his blood line, but it never helped him in the strength department.

He needed to know something, you see Druids must hide because there powers. People want Druids powers to take over, Druids can't use there powers for harm only for protection and to provide joy to others. But if power is taken from a Druid then one they die and the power can be used for harm and is much more powerful.

Alex's mother was almost killed before she stumbled upon the Lumen pack. Her village was burned and her, with her her brother ran. soon they where found on our border, and where mated to me and my brother. At first it was hell, neither of them talked and kept there distance. When we gained there trust Rider, my brother went into heat and raped Noah Maria's brother so he and Maria avoided us once again. The alpha our father explained to them our problem and so Maria come back to me but it took longer for Noah to come to love Rider. Now there happily married  with two children,a daughter Dakota and a son Riley. 

"fuck" I muter to my self as I walk into our house to see Maria and Noah talking at the dinning room table.

"whats wrong dear. What happened to Alex!" Maria yelled

"he fell asleep at Johns house" I said walking him up to his room 

"what happened, why where you there?" Noah asked curiously

"we need to tell him"

------Alex's PoV--------

I awoke in my room. my room is wolf themed I guess it has wolves on the wall some wolf stuffed animals a blue back ground  a wolf blanket and it also has some fake trees and forest themed curtains i also have a wood desk and a small flat screen on my dresser. my room is small but i have a big bathroom connected to it that is mostly brown and white. I walked out of my room in to the dinning room to see my dad, mom, and uncle Noah all talking at the table. As soon as they saw me they all stopped talking to look at me.

"hello dear, how was your sleep" my mom asked smiling nervously 

"whats going on, what where you talking about." I say opening the fridge and taking out fresh pineapple i cut this morning

"nothing bud" my uncle said even more nervous then mom

"uncle Noah?" i begged with puppy dog eyes

"your Christmas present" my dad said in a defeated tone

"really!!!!!!!!!!!" I cheered

"yes now go on do your homework" mom said pushing me up the stares....grate calculus homework

-------John's PoV (again)----------

"what do you mean" Maria said shocked

"Xavier called to tell me that Alex is mated to his son Jacob" i side flopping down on a chair. Noah and Maria just looked at me.

"And" Noah said blinking in confusion 

"dear all druids are submissive" Maria said smiling 

"what, you never told me that" i said surprised. she knew the whole time he would have a dominate mate and i was never told. 

"well i mean its kinda obvious, we need protecting, were easily traumatized and we have visions of the future which can be quite grim at times. And Noah is submissive" Maria said moving to my lap

"well not all werewolves are submissive" i said looking away from my mate as she giggling because my pouting.

"we don't need protection like they do John" my brother said walking in to the kitchen and kissing Noha's head. Its not really that its a male as my sons mate, its who it is. he is an alpha and could hurt Alex. Also we have close ties with that pack what would happen if Alex rejects him there one of the biggest packs in the world they could turn  on us and attack and we would lose.

"How long have you been here love" Noah giggled out kissing Rider.

"long eunuf to hear, you should be happy you and I both know Alex wont do that in a 1000 years" Rider said pulling Noah out of his chair "come love the kids are waiting well see you later" He added walking out of the door. I guess he's right Alex likes wolves and he wouldn't hurt a fly well he can't. 

--------------------A/N aka the thing most of you skip------------

Hi guys i Think I'm going to try to type long chapters like this every week by Friday or before but expect one by Friday if that's not one that will be a good reason i promise thanks!

please excuse any spelling errors or grammar mistakes 

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