The Bully?

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----Jake's PoV----

I lifted Alex's arm off of my side and walked to the kitchen. It was about 2 and I wanted to make lunch before Luka got home. I fill a pot water and set it on a burner and turning it on high waiting for it to boil. When it does I pull out the noodles and pour them in. I get out the peas, tuna, cream of chicken soup, and cheese. After the noodles are done I pour them in a strainer and start to layer the tuna noodle casserole. When I'm done I sprinkle some crunched up chips on top before slipping it in the oven. I set the timer for a half an hour and started for our room. I walked by one of the guest rooms and remembered Benji. I completely forgot about him. I knocked on the door, when I didn't get an answer I open the door and saw the room empty. I saw a piece of paper on the nightstand, I walked over and saw it was a note from Benji.

'I went back home, sorry I didn't give you a heads up. You guys seemed seamed busy anyway. Make sure to not cripple him Jake.'

I rolled my eyes at the note and put it back. I should go wake Alex up for lunch. I walked into our room and saw Alex sprawled out on the bed snoring softly. I smile to myself and climb in next to him. I wrap my arms around him and kiss his head and blow in his ear.

"Wake up, love" I whisper making him groan and cuddle closer to me.

"5 more minutes" He whined at me.

"Don't you want lunch before we go get Luka" I asked him making him peek up at me.

"What did you make?" He asked yawning nuzzling my neck

"Tuna noodle casserole" I said making him giggle and cheer. I chuckled and got out of bed pulling Alex up with me. I carried Alex to the kitchen as the oven alarm went off. I pulled the food from the oven and set it on the stovetop.

"Thank you for making lunch. I could have done it though you have some work to do." Alex said hanging his head.

"It's ok babe, I love taking care of you. I can do my work tomorrow when your training." I said kissing his head before his phone went off. Alex looked at me confused and I shrugged walking back over to cooling food. Alex picked up the phone and walked to the island.

"This is him" Alex said hesitantly

"Why?" He asked after a pause

"He did what!" Alex yelled into the phone

"We'll be right down" Alex said hanging up and looking at me.

"What's wrong?" I asked him walking over.

"Luka and some boy are in the nurse's office. They got into a fight." He said walking towards the door. I followed Alex close behind and we made our way down to the truck. I open Alex's door making him thank me and hop in. I jumped into the driver's side and made my way to the elementary school. Alex and I walked into the office to see Luka and one of the pack boys, I think his name is Blake. Both had bandages covering them from head to toe.

"Luka what the hell happened!" Alex yelled running to a grinding Luka

"You said if someone hit me to send them to the nurse's office or I was grounded. I guess he had the same rules." Luka said glaring at the boy next to him. The boy glared back before a man walked in. I saw the boy go from mad and red to fearful and white. Good, don't hit my kid.

"I guess that's true" Alex said gritting his teeth

"Are you ok, Luka" I asked him and he nodded. I saw the boy's father grab him by his neck and drag him out of the school.

"I'm fine papa" Luka said as I picked him up.

"Good, lets go home. Now Alex, you told our son what?" I asked him making him look down blushing.

"I didn't want him to get picked on so I told him if someone hit him to send them to the nurse's office, or he was grounded." Alex said giggling.

"I didn't think he would be, being the son of the Alpha" I grumbled out

"Well to some title doesn't matter" he said opening the door and putting Luka in his car seat.

"I know. Luka wen we get home we're going to eat, did you eat yet?" I asked him starting the car and pulling out of the parking lot.

"No papa, we were at before lunch recess not after" Luka said playing with his hands

"Is that boy in your grade?" Alex asked looking at him through the rearview mirror.

"No he's in 2nd grade not kindergarten" Luka said kicking his legs as we pulled into the driveway

"So you only see him at recess" Alex reassured himself.

"Yes daddy" Luka said unbuckling his car seat as Alex open the door for him.

"Good make sure he doesn't pick on you. Try to stay away from him if you can. I don't want you in trouble ok, Luka?" I said as Luka grabbed our hands.

"Ok papa" Luka said before running up the stairs. Alex rolled his eyes and grabbed my hand himself

"Did you know that boy, Jake?" Alex asked as we walked up the stairs and punched in the code for Alex and Luka. Luka ran in throwing his bag in his room and running back into the kitchen.

"Ready for lunch?" asked us plating some food and opening the microwave, and sliding the plate in.

"Yeah daddy!" Luka cheered

"Good" Alex said setting some warm food in front of Luka. Alex gave him a small fork and put our plates in the microwave. After we got our food we all sat at the table and ate as a family. I loved it, I can't wait to expand it.


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