Messages within the nightmares

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I'm going to add in Alex Speaking Italian seeing he is Italian, Mostly with family. I don't speak Italian anymore. I havnt spoke it since I lived in Italy when I was 3, you forget things. I'm using a translator which I have already found mistakes and tried to fix them. I won't catch them all or most of them. sorry ^^'

Kylie up top-------------------------^

------------------------Alex's PoV-------------------------

I was running, running as fast as my legs would take me. I could hear him getting closer, and closer each passing second. I jumped back as he jumped out in front of me. How did he get ahead of me! I slowly move back shaking with a cold sweat and my heart beating at a dangerous rate.

"Hello, Lamb" He snickers out coldly.

"Wh-Who are you, what do you want!?" I asked tears in my eyes

"Just you Lamb, but don't worry I will have you in due time" he said getting down ready to pounce. Of course like all horror movies I trip over a root as I want looking behind me. I don't pay much attention, I keep scooting back till I hit a tree. I try to get up but he jumps. I close my eyes and cry out.

"JACOB!" I yell shooting up in the bed drenched in sweat. The bathroom door shoots open to reveal a high alert Jake wrapped in a towel and soaking wet hair. He looks around then runs to me hugging me close.

"It's ok babe, I'm here now little one" He said rocking me in his lap. Suddenly the door crashed open. A worried looking kat is in the doorway with a tired looking River.

"Are you ok?" She asked sitting on the bed

"Ye-yeah, I'm good now Jakes here" I whisper cuddling into his chest.

"You sure" I could tell she was jealous of Jake.

"Yes, go back to bed with River cuddle and go away. I'm sorry Kat but this I need him for." I say hiding my face in his chest.

"I got him Kat. Its only midnight" Jake said petting my head. She huffed and walked out River following close behind calling her.


"Yes my love, what do you need." He said quickly

"I want you" I said with a red stained face.

"What" He asked surprised

"He's close" I said

"Who baby" He asked looking at me like I was insane. I thought back to a dream last night, and told him it all.

I woke up in a pitch black room. I looked around quickly to find anyone.

"Hello Alex, I missed you baby." I jumped and my skin crawled at what I saw. My mother was chained to a wall in a massive stone room. She was naked and covered in dried blood, but her eyes still held hope and the light she always had in them. She still held her head up, and had a big smile on her face.

"Mom! what are you doing here where are we!" I yelled tears in my eyes.

"Baby, this is a telepathic power we share. I must warn you of something" She said seriously

"Cosa, mama" I ask her she smiled as I spoke my native tongue. I was born in Italy, I was raised there for 5 years so I speak fluent Italian.

(translation What)

"Avete bisogno di stare in guardia hes qui e vuole il potere." She said to me

(You need to stay on guard hes here and wants your powers)

"How" I asked her

"Rape" She said simply

"What!" I asked my breath speeding up an the damp air hurt my lungs. As a small panic attack shook my body, from being in the dark as I am scared of the dark.

"He will rape you constantly till he has all you power and leave you there to die" I loud crash rang through the almost empty room. Heavy footsteps sounded from near a door.

"È necessario lasciare ora. Spero di non vedere ancora una volta, almeno non qui." She said in a hurried voice. After that everything went black and I woke in Jake's arms.

(you must leave now little one. I hope to never see you again, at least not here.)

"No one will-" He started before I cut him off

"Jake! Just do it. I want to give myself to you. I want to be yours before that happens, if it does I want to be marked by you. Now stop. and. fuck. me." I said glaring at him.

"I...I will baby. Not to night, think about it I'll make it special for us. Also, i will never 'FUCK' you. Fucking is for whores and prostitutes. I will make love you" Jake said kissing my nose and laying us back down.

"Ok, I'll wait" I giggle as he's face got more and more red. he pulls me to his chest and I fall asleep.

I wake up and feel a cold bed. I open my eyes to see an empty bed. I grumble and get up walking out of the room and downstairs. I see River and Jake talking at the kitchen table talking. They look at me and stop talking.

"What? Where's Kat" I ask looking at them weirdly, they were talking about me.

"Upstairs, she refused to get up." River said running a hand through his hair

"I think that you should get used to that" I said still suspicious as to what there were talking about.

"She does it alot?"

"Hell yes! You need to make her get up." I said walking up stairs, River on my heel telling not to wake her up. I walk in and was about to pounce on her before River caught me by the waist.

"Stop, just let her sleep. Jake made me get up, this will be that only time I can cuddle with her." He said slipping in bed behind her before pulling her close. I thought she would wake up and hit him, but nope. She cuddled closer in her sleeping humming in happiness.

"Fine, I'm making breakfast be up in an hour." I said smiling at them, she deserves happiness. I walk down to see Dylan and Kylie dry humping and making out on the couch.

"Ahhhhh, my eyes!" I yell running to Jake's chest. He chuckles and hugs me. His warm arms make my body erupt in sparks and I breath in his scent. I'm happy that he is my mate, I love him.

"I love you too, Sweetie" He said kissing my head as I realise I said that out loud. I smile and kiss his lips running into the kitchen to make pancakes, eggs, sausage, and toast. And lots of it.
I have a new story called heaven hell and back please check it out

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