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"Oh my-" The figure in front of Jeno grumbled, shoving a handful of popcorn in his mouth as he glared at the television. "How stupid can you honestly be?"

Hearing the other's frustration, Jeno laughed. "It's just a movie, Jaemin."

The two were currently on the Na's couch, watching some dumb rom-com Jaemin had chosen. The two had gotten together to do homework, but soon got bored and wanted to something fun.

So now they were here: Jeno simply sitting on the sofa, with Jaemin sprawled across him, using the older's chest as a pillow.

"Still!" The sugary boy frowned. "This main character's an idiot! How can she not see the guy's painfully obvious feelings for her?"

Hearing the question, Jeno's eyes widened as he mentally begged the couch to swallow him up.

They hadn't been long into the movie when he realized how eerily similar their situations were. The movie was about a man who had fallen for the main character, who was a close friend of his, but didn't know how to tell her.

Now Jeno was just trying to survive the night without embarrassing himself.

"All the signs are right there!" Jaemin sighed, pointing towards the screen. "Like how he stiffens up and gets all nervous around her!"

If the Na had been paying better attention, he would have noticed how tense the older's body was, and the Lee's struggling breath.

It wasn't Jeno's fault. He didn't want to be affected this bad, but the close contact was getting to him. His heart beat faster every time Jaemin moved. Inching nearer every second until he was so close Jeno could smell the younger's flowery shampoo.

"Not only that!" Jaemin exclaimed, looking up to meet the other's eyes. "How can she not see how he clearly blushes and gets all flustered whenever she is close to him?"

Noticing something on the older's face, Jaemin sat up, practically straddling Jeno's lap to get a closer look.

Jeno's breath hitched at the sudden change, and he watched with anxious eyes as Jaemin's gaze stayed fixed on him.

Having their chests pressed together, Jaemin leaned closer with a smile. "You have food on your face."

Brushing away the miniscule crumbs with a laugh, the sugary boy realized something, the smile immediately leaving his lips. "Jeno, are you ok? You feel hot and your face is all red!"

He quickly brushed the hair out of Jeno's eyes, placing his hand on the Lee's forehead. "Are you sick? I can get you some medicine!"

"I-I'm fine!" Jeno mumbled, shaking his head. There was absolutely nothing wrong with him except for this too-close proximity. "Let's just watch the movie."

Almost not believing the other's words, Jaemin stayed in his place, his eyes full of worry. "Alright fine, but let me know if you need anything."

He then turned back to the television to lay in his original position, but not before softly placing his lips on the Lee's forehead.

Now Jeno's face was really on fire.

He was just glad that Jaemin wasn't watching him, or else there was no doubt he would have seen the furious rouge on his face.

With any other person, kisses might have meant something romantic, but Jaemin was not just any person. He was very touchy with his closest friends, so kisses were a regular occurrence, especially for Jeno.

They were never anything big for Jaemin, just small pecks on his friend's cheeks or the top of their heads, but to Jeno they were huge.

He had never thought that much about them before, in fact, he was used to them for years. But then all of the sudden, something changed. Those lovely feelings were discovered and now every time it happened, Jeno's heart practically exploded.

Quickly being drawn back into the movie, Jaemin took another handful of popcorn. "Honestly, this is embarrassing." He sat up for a second to yell at the actress on the screen.

"Open your eyes, stupid!" He exclaimed, shaking his head and leaning back to lounge on the older boy behind him. "Can you believe this, Jeno?"

With a smile on his lips, Jeno snickered. Patting the other boy's shoulder, the Lee kept his eyes on the frustrated Na on top of him. "Some people are just oblivious."

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