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While he was setting the last of the food on the table, Jeno heard a knock on the door. He quickly stepped away from his task and ran upstairs to answer it.

Upon reaching the door, he pulled the it open with a smile, greeting his young friend on the other side. "Welcome, Jisung."

"Hello." The Park nodded, stepping inside. A quick glance around informed him of the current situation.

"Am I the first one here?" He asked, slipping his shoes off.

"Yes, but the others should be here soon." Jeno replied, closing the door behind his friend. He smiled, pointing to one of the couches in the room. "Make yourself comfortable."

Jisung nodded, taking a seat. Seeing that the Lee was going to go do other things, he pulled out his phone and began to play games.

Running back downstairs to the meeting area, Jeno made all the necessary final checks needed before everyone else got there. Although it was just his friends, he still wanted things to be perfect.

This time, he didn't hear a door knock, or a bell ring, just someone opening the door and shouting, "Jisung!"

He didn't even have to see this person to know who it was. "Come on in, Jaemin!" He called up the stairs to the person who was probably mauling their youngest friend at the moment.

Poor Jisung.

But what could he do about it?

Making his way up the stairs, Jeno was not surprised to find a young Park minding his own business on his phone, trying his very best to ignore the obnoxious Na next to him, who was poking and prodding him to death.

Seeing the sight, Jeno smiled. "Hey, Jaemin."

Surprisingly the two's closeness didn't bother Jeno at all. He might have been jealous if it was anyone else, but their relationship was different. Almost like a parent and a very old son.

Seeing his friend, Jaemin smiled and stopped his attacks on the young boy. "Hello!"

"Oh!" The Na exclaimed, reminded of a conversation he had earlier that day. "I had something I wanted to ask you-"

A loud pounding on the front door interrupted his curiosity. Jeno apologized quickly, giving his best friend a grin. "Just give me one second."

Expecting just one person, Jeno was surprised to see two people on the other side.

"Renjun!" He exclaimed as he noticed the previously-ill man. "How are you feeling?"

"Well my head still kind of hurts, but Chenle forced me to come anyway." The older Chinese said, taking off his jacket and hanging it by the door.

All eyes went to the mentioned boy, who had an evil tint in his eyes. "Renjun's just a baby. He's fine!"

"Yeah well if I get you all sick, it's all his fault!" The oldest laughed, pointing to Chenle.

"Oh it's alright!" Jaemin smiled, pulling the shorter into an embrace. "We haven't seen you in forever."

"It hasn't been that long, I only missed one get-together." Renjun laughed at the younger's exaggerations. He then noticed the other figure in the room. "Hey, Jisung."

best friend 》 nominWhere stories live. Discover now