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"Give up while you still can, kid." The Canadian laughed, his fingers furiously hammering away at the game controller in his hands. A drink sat on the table in front of him, long forgotten and now warm.

"Yeah right." Donghyuck smirked, carefully pressing buttons. There was a method to his madness. "You better practice what you preach."

Since there was nothing else to do on this lazy weekend morning, Mark had called Donghyuck over. The two had been battling with their video games all day, the older winning some, the younger winning the others.

But now it was the final round, their scores all tied up. Whoever won this one was crowned champion and obviously supreme over the other.

Quickly glancing over at the younger, Mark grinned. "How does it feel knowing you're going to lose?"

Oh no, Donghyuck wasn't going to give up yet. With harsh movements, he tapped away, causing his virtual character to move. ""I don't know. Why don't you tell me?"

As much as he hated to admit it, Mark could feel the younger's victory looming over him. With each hit from those tan fingers, his health bar dropped lower and lower until it was barely even visible.

Feeling the dread radiating off the older, Donghyuck took great pleasure in this moment. With a wide smile, he pressed the final buttons that would earn his championship.

That was, until a knock on the door caused Mark to pause the game seconds before his demise.

"Sorry." The Canadian frowned, but Donghyuck knew the words weren't quite sincere. Mark got off the couch, making his way to the door. "We'll finish it later."

The younger just raised a brow, somehow quite certain there was no chance they were ever going to finish the round.

Although Donghyuck was a bit sad he wasn't ever going to get crowned winner, it didn't nearly match his mood as when Mark finally opened the door.

"Hey!" Mark grinned, his arms out wide. In a blur of evil, a familiar girl quickly took comfort in the Canadian.


The girlfriend.

Closing the door behind them, Mark failed to notice Donghyuck's eyes rolling to the back of his head. "What's up?"

"Just came for a visit." The monster shrugged her shoulders, her twinkling voice making Donghyuck wish he had a gun.

The Canadian nodded, his hand waving towards the couch. "Take a seat! We were just about done anyway."

The girl may have been smiling, but as soon as her eyes landed on Donghyuck, it faltered. Mark may not have noticed, but the tan male sure did. With hesitant steps she made her way to the sofa, shoving herself between the two boys.

Both were silent as the oldest clicked away at the remote, his eyes on the screen. "Want to watch a movie?"

"That sounds great!" The girlfriend exclaimed, leaning further into the Canadian. As she laid her head on the boy's shoulder, her vile eyes flickered to Donghyuck for only a moment.

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