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Wrapping himself back up in a blanket, Donghyuck sighed as he sat down on his couch, a bucket of ice cream placed by his side.

After locating the lost t.v. remote in the bundle of blankets by him, he pressed play on his show and took a bite of his frozen treat.

If anyone were to observe his current behavior, they might classify him as sad, or terribly in despair. And you better believe Donghyuck had something to say about that.

He wasn't sad, he was just-


That was the best word for it.

He didn't want to be wallowing in his house alone, but he was too embarassed to even show his face outside, let alone contact any of his friends.

Especially one of them.

Before the memories of that day could come back to him, Donghyuck blocked them out, pathetically attempting to focus on his show.

Needless to say, things with Mark had not gone well, and Donghyuck was in no rush to remember any of it.

His eyes were on the screen in front of him, but his mind was somewhere else entirely. He hardly even noticed the quiet knock of a visitor at the door.

He did eventually notice when the person tried again, a little louder this time. He heard, but did nothing about it. He was in no mood to entertain today.

He stayed silent, hoping that the stranger would think he wasn't home, and continued watching his show, just a little quieter.

The knocking stopped for a moment, and Donghyuck thought he was in the clear.

Unfortunately, this peace of mind didn't last for long as the sound began again, even louder.

This visitor was relentless.

Couldn't they just understand that Donghyuck wanted some alone time and go away?

"Open up, Donghyuck." A muffled voice stated through the door, causing the tan boy to roll his eyes.

With a smirk on his face, Donghyuck ignored the request, turning the television up louder.

There was one more knock on the door, and then total silence. Pleased to finally be rid of the boy outside, Donghyuck couldn't help but laugh, taking another huge bite of ice cream.

His contentment didn't last long however, as the quiet scratching of a key in a lock could barely be heard.

Donghyuck didn't even move as the door swung open, a proud Jeno on the other side.

"That's breaking and entering, you know." Donghyuck informed the older, bringing another spoonful of ice cream to his lips.

Jeno only smiled, holding a small silver object up for the other to see. "Not if I have the key, it isn't."

Donghyuck's eyes stayed on the television, but he wasn't paying attention to it in the slightest. "Where did you even get that?"

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