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Approaching the door ahead of him, Jeno quickly knocked, holding a clothing piece tight in the other hand. Being the patient person he is, he sighed, stepping back as he waited for the door to open.

He felt bad that he had been holding onto the jacket for what was probably a few days too long, so here he was; on Renjun's front steps to return the thing.

Hearing soft footsteps nearing him, Jeno's attention perked up as the door opened, just a sliver.

He watched as it opened a little more, revealing a tired boy behind it. Although Renjun looked sickly already, his unusually snow skin only paled and his glassy eyes widened as he realized who was on the other side of the door.

"Oh!" The Chinese exclaimed, his voice cracking. He cleared his throat and Jeno couldn't help but notice the door closing the tiniest bit. "Hello, Jeno."

The way that the older said his name bothered Jeno, but the smile stayed on his face. "Hey."

Observing the other's red nose and tired features, Jeno frowned. "Are you feeling any better, Renjun? You don't look too good."

The older just shook his head. "No. Every time I think I'm getting over this cold, it just comes right back."

"I'm sorry." The Lee said, quite concerned with his friend's health. He never liked seeing any of his friends struggle. Well, except Donghyuck maybe.

"Is there anything I can do to help?" Jeno asked, genuine concern in his voice.

With his friend's compassion, Renjun was reminded of a conversation that he had forgotten for a second.

Not quite sure what to say with this new information circling his brain, Renjun just shook his head.

"Alright, well, you know I'm always here for you, right?" Jeno smiled, forgetting about his purpose of being here.

A pathetic nod came from the Huang as he wasn't sure what to say.

Jeno hadn't sensed the awkwardness yet, but it was strong on Renjun's side of the doorway.

"So..." Renjun sniffled, staring at the other with eyes wide. "Do you need something?"

"Oh yeah!" Jeno laughed, remembering why he was there in the first place. He held up the jacket in his hand, giving it to the older. "I just had to return this."

Renjun took the thing, his hand accidently brushing the younger's.

Jeno was surprised to see the Chinese quickly pull away, as if he was carrying some highly contagious disease.

Stepping back inside, Renjun tried to find some excuse to get away. "Th-Thanks, Jeno. I have to go now."

It was then that the Lee finally noticed the awkward air around them. Renjun was leaving, but he wasn't about to let that happen.

Slamming his hand against the closing door, Jeno temporarily prevented the Chinese from escaping. "Renjun, what's wrong? Why are you acting weird?"

best friend 》 nominWhere stories live. Discover now