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Jeno woke the next morning with a splitting headache and a wish for death.

More sleep might have helped his state, but an obnoxious ringing in his ears prevented that from happening. He stayed lethargic in his bed for a moment before realizing that the noise wasn't just in his mind, it was coming from his phone.

Turning over, Jeno was about to shut the thing up, until he noticed the name on the caller I.D.

With no hesitation, he answered it, bringing the phone to his ear with a groan. "Hello?"

"Jeno!" The excited Na cheered, pleased to hear the other boy's sleep-laced voice. "Come over! I'm making cupcakes."

As enticing as that offer was, Jeno had to decline. "I can't Jaemin, I'm sick."

Curse that Renjun, giving Jeno all his germs.

Jeno had kept the Chinese' jacket in his home for days, and then gone to visit him, so this wasn't much of a surprise.

"Who cares?" Jaemin shrugged as if the older boy could see him. "Take some meds and get over here."

"Jaemin." The Lee stated, showing the other that he was serious. "I don't want to get you sick."

"Oh please, I'll be fine." Jaemin smiled, honestly not caring. "If you don't get over here, I'm just going to go over there."

Jeno knew that unfortunately the younger boy's threats were serious.

"You can stay as far away as you want, I just need some company." Jaemin tempted, only helping his case.

He could hear the hesitation on Jeno's side of the line so he tried harder.

"Come on." He whined, and Jeno could practically see the pout on his lips. Jaemin's voice softened as he lured the boy in. "Let me take care of you today."

That sentence officially silenced Jeno's grumblings and they both knew it.

"I can be as far away as I want?" Jeno hesitantly asked, checking the facts.

Knowing that he had hooked the older, Jaemin smiled. "You can be all the way across the room. I just want someone to talk to."

"You promise?" Jeno questioned, not quite believing the younger's tales.

"I swear!" Jaemin exclaimed, saying whatever he had to in order to convince his best friend.

"Alright fine." Jeno sighed, rubbing his temples. "Let me get ready and I'll be there in a minute."

The Lee had to pull the phone away from his ear for a moment as all that could be heard was Jaemin's cheering.

Quite pleased with himself, Jaemin grinned. "See you soon, Jeno."


After searching the house from top to bottom, Jeno successfully found the cold medicine. He took as much of it as was medically healthy, plus a little extra just to be safe, and was now on his way to Jaemin's.

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