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Scrolling through his phone, Jaemin couldn't help but smile at the pictures he took yesterday.

Unable to say no to his best friend, Jeno had ended up buying the hideous shirt, and wore it throughout the rest of the day.

Jaemin was sure to take plenty of pictures, treating their time together as a professional photoshoot.

Even though the clothing piece was bright and attention-demanding, Jaemin couldn't keep his eyes off the model. 

He couldn't stop staring at how Jeno's hair so effortlessly fell in perfect place. His chiseled features, each more captivating than the rest. His bright smile, and the way his eyes crinkled up when he was truly happy. 

The pictures made Jaemin feel something deep inside, but how to define it, he wasn't sure. 

"Working hard, I see." A voice drew him from his thoughts, and he quickly slipped his phone back in his pocket. 

Yes, he was currently at work, but it was a very slow day, and he had just needed to see those pictures again. 

"Good morning, Donghyuck." Jaemin said, narrowing his eyes at the other boy's smug smile. "What can I get you?"

"Nothing for now." The tan boy sighed, propping his elbows up on the counter. "I just came for a visit."

"A visit?" Jaemin questioned, not expecting that answer. Donghyuck hardly ever came to the café, but when he did, it was usually a fast trip and he never stopped to chat. 

"Hyuck, you're worrying me." Jaemin laughed, leaning against the counter. "Are you dying?"

Hearing that question, Donghyuck rolled his eyes. "No, you idiot. Can't I just visit without you getting all suspicious?"

Still doubting the older's health, Jaemin's eyebrows stayed raised waiting for a real answer. 

"Fine." Donghyuck stated, his eyes narrowed at the other's incredulous state. "I had nothing else to do, so I wanted to come see how you were doing."

"Oh Donghyuck!" Jaemin exclaimed, clutching his heart as he decided to mess with the other less-friendly boy. Donghyuck liked to pretend he didn't care for the others, but they all knew the truth. "I knew you loved me!"

Burying his head in his hands, Donghyuck avoided eye contact, but a small smile was on his lips. "Shut up."

"Come on. Let me hear you say it." Jaemin teased, bringing his hand to his ear. "Four words. 'I love you, Jaemin.'"

Not impressed with the other boy, Donghyuck crossed his arms, an amused smile on his lips. "That's it. I'm leaving!"

Seeing that the older was not kidding, Jaemin stopped, raising his arms in surrender. "Alright, I'm sorry! I'm just surprised you picked me of all people to spend time with."

Donghyuck smiled as he made his way back to the counter. He was about to speak up, but Jaemin continued.

"I thought for sure you'd be with Mark today, not here in the café." Jaemin shrugged, not noticing the smile immediately vanishing from the tan boy's face.

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