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"Are you even watching the movie?" Donghyuck questioned, his eyes flickering to the distracted boy next to him.

"Nope." Mark answered honestly, a proud smile on his face.

Donghyuck had been trying to watch the movie in peace but the feeling of the older's eyes on him was driving him crazy.

"You're weird." The tan boy grumbled, pausing the movie to lean against the Canadian.

He may have acted like he hated it, but it was exactly the opposite. It was funny really, Mark didn't like to show affection in front of others, but when it was just the two of them it was a whole different story.

Only accepting the accusation, Mark repositioned the blanket to go over the younger who was laying on his chest. Pulling Donghyuck closer, the Canadian smiled, ruffling the other boy's hair.

Donghyuck laid there, completely content. He was minutes from falling asleep until a question formed in his mind.

"Mark?" Almost afraid to look at the older, Donghyuck opened his eyes wide. "Can I ask you something?"

Pausing his movements, the Canadian nodded. "Of course."

"Well," The tan boy started, unsure of what exactly to say. He didn't want to ask, but he was too worried about it. "In all your past relationships, you'd be together for a while, but then you'd move on."

Sitting up, Donghyuck still couldn't look the older in the eyes. "How do I know that won't happen here too? What if you realize that there's someone better out there in a week?"

"Donghyuck." Mark stated. Seeing that the younger still wouldn't look at him, he put his hand under the tan boy's chin, forcing their eyes to meet. "That would never happen."

The younger still wasn't convinced and the Canadian knew that. "When I was in those past relationships, I wasn't ever content. I moved from girl to girl trying to find the right one for me. I may have seemed happy, but it wasn't ever real."

Taking the honey-skinned boy's hand in his own, a warm smile appeared on Mark's lips. "But ever since I'm with you, I don't feel that anymore. I don't even consider ever having anyone else, because I know you're all I need."

Donghyuck watched the older carefully for any sighs of deception, but he couldn't find any. "Really?"

"Really." Mark assured the younger, pulling him closer until the other was laying on his chest. "I promise."

Donghyuck only nodded, slowly dozing off as the older drew circles on his back with his fingertips.

Mark loved this. The quiet apartment, the two of them glued together, nothing could have made it better.

What could have made it worse on the other hand was someone visiting the tan male.

Hearing knocking at the door, Donghyuck just hummed, burying himself further into the older's t-shirt. "Let's just ignore them."

"Sounds great to me." Mark whispered, closing his eyes again and leaning back on the sofa.

"Donghyuck?" A muffled voice on the other side of the door called out. The visitor knocked once again. "It's me."

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