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After having 4 chaotic boys over yesterday, Jeno's apartment was nothing short of a mess. He had spent the whole day going around picking up, vacuuming, and cursing his friend's names.

They hadn't even stayed long, all leaving before the night was over, but Jeno's place was somehow still a disaster.

Placing his shoes where they usually went by the front door, Jeno was surprised to find a piece of clothing hanging there that was definitely not his.

It was a jacket much too small for him. Finding it there confused him for a moment, until after further inspecting it, he recognized the thing.

It was Renjun's.

He must have forgotten it there after he left last night. The friend group always left things at the other's houses, it was sometimes frustrating. It was alright though, Jeno would just return it to him later.

He set the jacket on a closeby couch, not thinking much of it, and picked up some out of place items in order to put them away.

The Lee was about walk upstairs when a soft knock on his door stopped him.

He set down the jumble of things in his arms and opened the door. He was met with a crazy stare on the other side, one that he was quite used to.

"Hey, Jaemin." Jeno smiled, ushering the younger inside. Little did he know, he should have shut and locked that door as soon as he had opened it.

Something about Jaemin's attitude was different.


Jeno tried to ignore the feeling of dread that was flooding him. "What brings you by?"

"Just," Jaemin paused, looking around the room. A sly smile appeared on his lips, but he quickly hid it away. "came by for a visit."

"Cool." Jeno nodded, moving the clutter off the couch. "Make yourself comfortable."

He sat down right as he said those words, but it took Jaemin a minute to comply.

Once he did take a seat, the two sat in silence. One having nothing to say, the other having too much.

Finally Jaemin spoke up, his eyes on the older boy. "Why won't you tell me who you like?"

Jeno groaned at the topic, not believing how Jaemin just would not let it go.

"Not this again." The Lee complained, burying his head in his hands. It would be much better for everyone if Jaemin could just drop his curiosity. "I already told you. I don't like anyone."

Jaemin's brows raised in quite the incredulous manner, showing Jeno he did not believe a word of that.

"Fine." Jeno sighed, deciding to lie yet again. "You wouldn't know who they were even if I told you. It's not important."

Thanks to his fine eavesdropping skills, Jaemin also knew this to be false. He didn't want to share this information, but he was prepared to do whatever he had to.

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