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"I'm here!" Donghyuck exclaimed, bursting through the door. Flashing a smile to the few people who actually looked at him, he made his way towards the table. "I know, you were all just waiting for me to show up."

"Fantastic." Jeno rolled his eyes, the sarcasm clear in his voice.

Donghyuck ignored the Lee, sliding into the seat next to Mark that the Canadian had saved for him. "Don't worry Jeno, I'm here now."

The group was back together for their weekly hangout. The café was empty as usual, so now they were just waiting for the rest of their friends to show up.

Glancing over, Donghyuck spied two more of his friends. They were currently occupied, but he gave them smiles anyway. "Chenle. Jisung."

Chenle, who was currently distracted by an apparently intense game on his phone, didn't say anything.

Jisung, who was watching the older intently and cheering him on, glanced up for a second, giving the tan male a nod.

"Aren't they sweet?" Donghyuck laughed, easily forgetting being ignored as he turned to the boy next to him. Giving the older a smile, the Lee's eyes conveyed so much more than he could say. "Hey, Mark."

"Hello, Hyuck." The Canadian grinned, his fingers intertwined with the younger's under the table, away from peering eyes.

A yawn from the other side of the table interrupted their moment. "Could you two be any more obvious?"

"Oh please." Donghyuck retorted, not at all intimidated by the muscled male. His eyes flickered for a moment to the seat Jaemin usually sat at, sending a message. "How are things going for you?"

"I don't know." Jeno sighed, his gaze on something far away. "I really don't know."

Jeno had thought something was up when Jaemin was avoiding him for the past few days, but ever since yesterday when the Na ran from his apartment, he knew something was wrong.

The two understood each other quite well, but Mark on the other hand was completely lost. He was about to ask what on earth they were talking about when another person walked in the room.

"Order up!" Jaemin exclaimed. There was a smile on his lips, but his eyes just didn't show the same emotion. Carrying everyone's stuff over to the table, the poor Na stopped dead in his tracks when he met eyes with a specific boy.

Jeno tried not to let his disappointment show as Jaemin quickly looked away, placing the tray on the table.

"This one's for you." The Na said, individually handing out each drink. When it got to his best friend's turn, he quickly slid the thing across the table without a word.

"Thank you." Jeno tried, looking up to the younger. Jaemin just nodded, not even sparing him a glance.

Putting his phone away at the mention of food, Chenle just stared at the drink in front of him.

Taking a sip of his own milkshake, Mark's brows furrowed. "Don't you always get strawberry, Chenle?"

The Zhong had hoped no one would notice the chocolate shake in front of him. He had noticed that his co-worker had been distracted lately, and he didn't want Jaemin to feel bad.

best friend 》 nominWhere stories live. Discover now