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Meet Lee Jeno.


Loved by everyone.

But you already know all that.

Once a distraught boy with a heavy secret, afraid of his true feelings, Jeno has moved past that.

Now, he is proudly and deeply in love with the boy of his dreams and couldn't be happier.

Although he still has struggles and worries, he knows that no matter what comes his way, he's not alone.

Right by his side is in his humble and honest opinion, the most perfect boy to ever exist.

This ethereal boy is Jeno's confidant, his source for serotonin. The only person capable of making Jeno freeze up and stumble through his words due to nervousness. He has been there for Jeno for years, and will continue to be there for years to come.

He is all of the Lee's firsts, and will be all of his lasts as well.

He is Jeno's one and only love.

And to Jeno's surprise, this person is incomparably, ridiculously hooked on him too.

But this person is not just anyone.

They are Na Jaemin.

Jeno's best friend.

the end

best friend 》 nominWhere stories live. Discover now