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"So I'm thinking sandwiches and lemonade. What do you think?" A lost-in-thought Canadian questioned, his concentration set firm on the task at hand.

Even though there was someone else in the room who he was speaking to, that person did not respond.

He didn't seem to notice.

"You're right. Is that too complicated? I don't want to scare her off. I should just order a pizza." Mark mumbled, still speaking to the other person in his apartment.

The other silent boy was currently draped over his friends couch, filtering the words he heard. He actually could not care less about the boy's struggles.

"Maybe you're right, Hyuck." Mark spoke up, pulling responses out of thin air. "A pizza might be too simple. We still want this to be a nice occasion!"

Tired of all this talk, Donghyuck groaned as he sat up to stare at the older. "Why am I even here?"

Although the group was meeting at Jeno's tonight, Mark had asked Donghyuck to hangout a bit earlier to help him with something.

He still wasn't sure what.

"I already told you! I'm trying to plan an amazing mind-blowing date and I need your help!" Mark said, his eyes wide at the younger's forgetfulness.

Oh yeah. Donghyuck remembered Mark telling him that, but as soon as he heard girlfriend his brain shut off.

"Why?" The tan male asked, adding no more context.

"You're my best friend of course! Why wouldn't I ask you to help me?" The Canadian questioned, his brow raised.

"No, not 'why me?'. I meant 'why would you want to date this girl?'." Donghyuck had a hard time concealing the smirk on his face as he said those words.

Mark just stared back with a frown on his face.

"We've talked about this before, Hyuck. She is important to me and I want this to be special." The Canadian watched the other boy's blank face. "It would be nice if you could be at least a little supportive."

Donghyuck didn't like seeing the older so serious, so he nodded his head. "I'm sorry."

"It's alright." Mark stated. Not loving the austere atmosphere, he smiled.

"Now picture this." He said, moving his hands around to illustrate imaginary scenes in the air. "A picnic on a green hillside. The soft grass and an old blanket beneath us. Above us, only the blue sky and setting sun. The air is sweet with the scent of nearby flowers. It's serene. No one but us."

Both boys got lost in the imagery, zoning out as they pictured it. It was only until Mark cleared his throat that they were pulled out of their dream worlds. "What do you think? Do you think she'll like it?"

Blinking a few times, Donghyuck stared at the older, sincerity in his eyes. "I love it."

It was true. The plan appealed to him greatly. There was only one problem with it:

best friend 》 nominWhere stories live. Discover now