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Perhaps running down a hillside wasn't the best idea.

It's not like Mark had planned this through at all, he was just going wherever his tired legs took him.

It probably would have been much easier to drive, but there was only one car, and he would have felt terrible leaving the girl up there alone. He left her with all the food too, so she'd be fine.

See? He still had some decency.

He could try and rationalize with himself all he wanted, but he still felt terrible running from a date like that. He'd call her tomorrow to make sure she was ok.


Break things off.

Mark wasn't sure what came over him, he just needed to see the younger boy and apologize.

So now here he was, running through the city streets late at night.

The drive from the picnic spot to Donghyuck's apartment was only 10 minutes, but on foot it was much longer.

Mark hadn't accounted for that, and even though his legs ached and his lungs burned, it was all worth it.

The Canadian spent this seemingly endless run planning what he was going to say. Although he had a pretty good speech planned, Mark was positive that when he actually got there, he would forget it all. So what was the point?

He didn't want to admit it to himself, but he was just trying to distract himself from the fear that he was too late, that Donghyuck wouldn't forgive him.

Although he was having a hard time breathing, he sighed in relief as Donghyuck's apartment building came into view.

A sense of excitement and fear surged through the Canadian as he ran up the stairs, huffing and puffing as he went.

Mark was in great shape, but the long run and the stress of the situation were getting to him.

As the boy neared Donghyuck's door, time seemed to slow down, and- was this hallway getting longer?

Mark was half tempted to turn around right now, to flee to safety, but there was no way he was getting this far and then just giving up.

He had to fix what he had done, no matter the cost.

Nearing the door, Mark took a deep breath, pathetically attempting to ease his frantic heart. He was hesitant to knock, but when he did, it was quiet. Barely audible above the pounding in his ears.

Deciding to be a little braver, he knocked again, a little louder this time. Mark then waited patiently, giving the younger boy as much time as he needed.


If Mark knew Donghyuck as well as he thought he did, then the boy was probably inside moping and refusing to answer the door.

Valiant in his efforts, the Canadian knocked again, as well as ringing the doorbell. He chose to give the younger the benefit of the doubt, thinking that maybe Donghyuck just hadn't heard him.

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