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'How do you know you're in love?'

Jeno was 16 when he first looked up those words.

Before that, he had spent months, confused, scouring the internet to no end, looking for any explanation as to what he was feeling.

Was it some mental illness? Early mid-life crisis? Was he dying?

He wasn't exactly sure when the change happened, but one day everything was just different.

Not everything, just his view on some things.

His best friend to be exact.

Jeno had been on this earth for a while, but he still had never felt anything quite like this. He had always wanted to be around Jaemin, but now it was like his best friend was a magnet, pulling him closer constantly.

The boy had new wonders, hopes, and dreams, all centered around the oblivious Na.

He did extensive research, desperate to know why Jaemin was just so fascinating to him. Finally, after searching for what felt like eternity, he found the answer, and everything made sense.

He was in love.

For the longest time, Jeno tried to brush it off as some passing phase. He was young afterall, it was probably just some little crush. He waited patiently for the day when it would pass, and he could move on.

But it never came.

It took a while, but when he stopped being stubborn and finally came to acceptance, Jeno had to make a plan.

Even from a young age, the Lee knew that it was best to keep this information a secret from everyone. He hoped that as time passed, things would get easier.

Maybe after a while he wouldn't be so drawn towards the Na, Jeno's attention on his every move.

Perhaps he wouldn't be so fascinated, hooked on Jaemin's every word, eager to hear whatever it was the boy had to say.

If things went his way, maybe the electricity Jeno felt every time he accidently brushed against or touched the younger boy would dull down a bit.

Spoiler alert, that didn't happen.

Although he kept things hidden well, Jeno had always suspected that his parents knew about his affections. But if they did, they kept it to themselves.

Don't get him wrong, there was nothing wrong with his feelings, and his parents would always support their son. Jeno just would have never expected for his affections to be centered around his best friend.

He wasn't sure how the discovery would affect their friendship, and he didn't want to. Jeno's relationship with Jaemin was very important to him, and he was not about to risk it for anything.

So right then, at age 16, Jeno swore to himself. He would never, ever, tell Jaemin about his feelings.




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