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"You're sharing that popcorn with me right?" Jaemin asked, not even waiting for an answer to take handfuls out of the container.

Jeno didn't answer, just handed the snack to the eager younger boy.

He would have answered if he could, but he was currently busy trying to stay conscious.

Whatever he had taken earlier had really done a number on him, as he now felt unable to function.

It was a miracle Jaemin was clinging to him, or else Jeno would have just stumbled and fallen right over.

At first he was tempted to tell Jaemin they would have to do this another night instead, but seeing how excited the younger was, he couldn't resist.

Now he was just trying to get through the night without Jaemin realizing how serious the situation was.

"Alright, here we are." Jaemin squealed, too excited to notice how he had to physically drag the older boy along. He pointed to a door that Jeno assumed led to their theater. "Let's hope there's good seats."

Jeno did not care where they sat, just as long as he could sit down soon. Very soon.

Luckily the theater was pretty much empty, so Jaemin had plenty of options to choose from. He took his time dragging the other around, testing the angle of different seats to find which would provide the best experience.

Finally, as an answer to Jeno's prayers, he finally chose two seats in the middle.

As soon as they sat down, the rest was a blur to Jeno. He could vaguely remember Jaemin leaning over every once in a while to comment something about the film, but that was about it. He couldn't even tell you what the movie was about if he tried his hardest.

He may have even fallen asleep somewhere in the middle, he wasn't quite sure.

Jaemin hadn't noticed at all though, and Jeno was quite grateful for that.

The Lee was quite proud of himself though. He was doing much better than he thought he would.

Or so he thought.

As the credits rolled on the screen, Jaemin smiled, turning to the other boy. "Wasn't that great? I loved the part where-"

Even in the dimly lit movie theater Jaemin could tell something was wrong with the older. "Jeno, are you feeling ok?"

The other boy was quite pale, a sickly pale, and his face glistened with sweat.

"I'm fine!" The Lee giggled, entranced by the scrolling names on the screen.

He was no longer in his right mind and luckily Jaemin noticed.

Watching the other adult with wide eyes, Jaemin just shook his head. Testing a theory, he moved closer, placing his hand on the older's forehead.

Of course, he was right. "Jeno, you're burning up. Let's get you home."

Apparently a massive fever and too much cold medicine were not a good combination.

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