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"How are you ever supposed to pick a flavor? There's too many!" A frustrated Jaemin grumbled, eyeing something behind a counter.

After Jeno had shaken off his disappointment and gotten ready, the two made their way to the mall, where they were currently ordering ice cream.

Jeno had already ordered his scoop in a cup, and it was now melting in his hands as him and the impatient cashier behind the counter were now just waiting on Jaemin.

"One second." The Na whispered, giving a small smile to the employee giving them dirty looks.

Jeno returned the death stare, warning the stranger. He then turned to Jaemin with a smile, quickly changing his facade. "Just pick something you like! Is there anything you're just craving?"

Jaemin frowned, turning to the older boy. "They don't have you as a flavor though."

Completely taken off guard, Jeno could only choke on air. "W-What?"

"I'll take chocolate!" Jaemin told the worker, seemingly ignoring his struggling friend. In all reality, a small smile lay hidden on his lips as he spied Jeno's surprise from the corner of his eyes.

The shop employee rolled her eyes, relieved to finally be rid of these pests. Wordlessly she handed Jaemin his treat, moving to the register.

With a sigh, Jeno payed for the items, careful not to give this woman any tip. The two then left the shop, attempting to conceal their giggles.

Once they were finally out of earshot, Jaemin couldn't help but grin, taking a spoonful of ice cream. "Well she sure was friendly."

Smiling at the sarcastic comment, Jeno eyed the other. "If we had stayed there a second longer, our food would have been poisoned."

Jaemin had no doubt about that, but his mouth was full of a frozen chocolate delight, so he could only nod in agreeance.

With a sigh, Jeno ate another bit of ice cream and scanned his eyes around the building. "Where to next?"

Finally swallowing, Jaemin pointed to a shop across the mall. "There's a new shop over there that I've been wanting to check out."

Nodding his head, Jeno smiled at the younger. "Then that's where we're headed."

Pleased with the answer, Jaemin hooked arms with the older, practically dragging him across the building.

Jeno could only follow close in pursuit, smiling at how eager the other boy was.

When they finally reached their desired destination, Jeno stared up in disbelief. "It's a clothing store."

"Yep!" Jaemin grinned, laughing at the other's disappointment. "Why? What's wrong with clothing stores?"

"They're so boring!" Jeno frowned, silently pleading with his friend. "Who wants to look at a hundred slightly different pairs of pants for an hour?"

Grabbing the older's hand that wasn't holding practically melted ice cream, Jaemin just grinned, pulling the boy inside. "It'll be fun! I promise!"

best friend 》 nominWhere stories live. Discover now