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"Jaemin, have you finished the order yet?" Chenle asked, looking to his coworker.

Jaemin, who had been staring at a wall for the past two minutes, just stared back. "Huh?"

"The order?" The Zhong repeated, concerned for the older boy. He looked to the paper in his hands. "The 'small iced coffee, extra ice'?"

The Na glanced down to the empty plastic cup in his hand. "No. Sorry."

He had fully intended to make the drink, but then had gotten distracted with things.

"That's alright." Chenle reassured the older, watching as Jaemin quickly made the drink. Moving closer, the Chinese lowered his voice. "Are you ok?"

The older boy may have been a coworker, but before that, he was Chenle's friend.

Putting a lid on the now-filled beverage, Jaemin handed it to the younger. "I'm fine."

Chenle wasn't so sure.

He had been observing the Na for the past week or so and something was definitely up.

"Mhm." The Zhong hummed, handing the cold drink to another café employee. "Can you take over for a minute?"

It was a pretty slow time of day, so the coworker agreed.

Wasting no time, Chenle pulled Jaemin along with him.

Opening the door, Jaemin glanced around. "The storage closet?"

"Listen, it's the best I could do." Chenle stated, moving boxes around until there was room enough on the floor. "Now sit."

Following orders, the Na sat cross-legged on the floor, a box digging into his back. "Why?"

"We have to talk." The Zhong simply said, taking a seat across from the older. "Now what is going on with you?"

"What are you talking about?" Jaemin laughed, denying everything. "Nothing!"

"Jaemin, yesterday you messed up three orders, spilled coffee on both me and yourself, and you've been zoning out every other minute." Chenle tilted his head, his brow raised. "Need I go on?"

Crossing his arms, the Na shook his head. "I was just distracted."

"You've been distracted for days." Reaching over in the tight space, the Chinese patted the other's knee. "You know you can tell me anything, right?"

Jaemin was conflicted. He really did not want to share, but he needed to let out this mess in his mind.

"Anything?" He repeated.

"Of course." Chenle whispered, prepared for the worst. What would it be? Drugs? Pregnancy? Murder?

Not caring anymore, Jaemin shook his head. "Jeno likes me."

The Chinese waited for something else, but it never came. "And?"

"And?" Jaemin couldn't believe it. Was this not interesting enough for the younger? "And he's my best friend!"

best friend 》 nominWhere stories live. Discover now