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Loud pounding at the door thundered through Jeno's ears, interrupting his sweet dreams and unfortunately waking him up.

He had stayed out late at the café with his friends the previous night, and was not pleased to be woken up this early in the morning.

Hesitantly he got out of bed, stumbling his way down the hallway, the knocking still sounding loud. Trying to erase the grimace on his tired face, he unlocked the door, opening it with a sigh.

He was met with a frowning tan male, whose eyebrows were raised. The visitor's arms were crossed in front of him to only further show his frustration. "How did you know?"

"Good morning to you too, Donghyuck." Jeno yawned, stepping aside to let the boy in. With his still sleeping brain, Jeno's head tilted to the side as he tried to interpret his friend's question.

"Know what?" He asked, slowly closing the door behind him. He was clueless until he started to replay yesterday's events in his head. This went on for a minute, until finally remembering how he teased the younger endlessly about their Canadian friend.

A smirk appeared on his lips as he saw the boy's narrowed eyes. "Oh."

"You know exactly what." Donghyuck hissed, only proving Jeno's suspicions.

Choosing to play the unintelligent card, Jeno flopped on his couch with a sigh, his eyes still on the other. "No, please. Remind me."

Not about to give him the satisfaction, Donghyuck smiled. It wasn't a sweet smile, more like the sinister kind. "Then shall I remind you what I know?"

Challenging the other, Jeno glared. "You don't know anything."

Raising an eyebrow, the tan boy grinned. "Don't I?"

Usually Jeno would not have been intimidated, but there was just something about the look in Donghyuck's eyes that terrified him.

"Fine." He grumbled, not loving the look of satisfaction on the younger's face. "You're obvious! The way that you cling onto Mark and listen to his every word. How you pretend to be annoyed by him, but so obviously adore him."

Donghyuck took these words into account, surprised at how well Jeno saw right through him. Perhaps the muscled male wasn't as much of a meathead as he previously thought.

Not wanting to let the older win, Donghyuck crossed his arms. "That doesn't prove anything."

Sitting up on the couch, Jeno frowned at the boy. "The way you try to hide how much it pains you whenever Mark brings a new girl around."

That sentence made Donghyuck fall silent, finally letting his guard down.

"Alright, maybe you're right." The tan boy whispered, looking to the floor. He was silent for a moment, but choosing to change his attitude, he looked to the other boy.

"But I'm not the obvious one out of us two. That's all you!" He laughed, taking a seat on the sofa.

Mirroring Donghyuck's earlier actions, Jeno crossed his arms. "What are you talking about?"

"You have this whole puppy dog-ness about you, Jeno." Donghyuck laughed. "It's strongest whenever Jaemin's around."

"What on earth is that supposed to mean?" The muscled man gasped, surprised to be compared to an animal.

"Isn't it obvious?" Donghyuck smiled at the other's cluelessness. "You would follow Jaemin to the ends of the earth and everyone knows it. You light up whenever he's around, and you miss him terribly when he's not."

He leaned forward, teasing the flustered Jeno. "You love him."

Eyes wide, Jeno immediately defended himself. "Of course I do! He's my best friend!"

Leaning back on the leather sofa, Donghyuck's smirk grew. "I'm not talking about that kind of love, Jeno."

So Donghyuck did know. Jeno couldn't be sure earlier, but now there was no doubt.

Burying his face in his hands, Jeno sighed. "I really hate you sometimes, you know that?"

"Indeed I do." Donghyuck laughed, but immediately grew serious. "Why don't you just tell him? I know Jaemin would understand."

Eyeing the other boy, Jeno raised an eyebrow. "Why don't you just tell Mark?"

He couldn't. Donghyuck was usually so confident, but all that left him when he even thought about confessing. 

Realizing the similarity of their situations, Donghyuck sadly chuckled. "So we're both screwed."

The two nodded, staying silent for a while.

Finally, Jeno turned to Donghyuck, who was deep in thought. "If I'm so obvious, how come you're the only person who's noticed?"

"Because our friends are idiots." Donghyuck bluntly said, a hint of a smile on his lips. "And we're in the same boat, so it's easy to see."

Jeno nodded, realizing the truth of both statements. "So what are we going to do about this?"

Donghyuck pondered for a moment, before a sly grin formed on his face. "We could fake date each other. Make those two jealous."

Immediately shaking his head, Jeno couldn't help but smile. "We are not doing that."

"You're no fun." Donghyuck laughed, losing his mind at Jeno's disgust. "But really, this couldn't have turned out any better."

"The most irritating kid I know knowing the secret that I would rather die than tell anyone? Yeah, this great." Jeno said in disbelief, watching the other with wide eyes. "What are you talking about?"

"I'm serious!" Donghyuck shouted, lightly smacking the older boy. "Now we have someone to confide in! We can help each other out and be the best possible wingmen."

Considering the offer, Jeno's brow raised. "That doesn't sound too bad."

"Exactly!" The tan boy cheered, thrilled to finally have someone who understood his problem. He put out his hand to the other boy. "So it's a deal? I'll keep your secret if you keep mine?"

Taking the hand outstretched to him, Jeno smiled, his eyes forming crescents. "It's a deal."

best friend 》 nominWhere stories live. Discover now