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"I'll be right back!" Jeno jumped up from the sofa, practically running upstairs in an obvious panic. 

The other two boys in the room looked to Jaemin, confusion clear on their faces. 

"What was that all about?" Chenle asked, one eyebrow raised high. 

Jaemin decided to play clueless, simply shrugging his shoulders. "No idea."

Renjun and Chenle seemed to accept his answer, turning back to the television. Jaemin tried to do the same, watching the movie in front of him, but it just wasn't happening. 

He felt terrible. 

He didn't mean to pressure Jeno into telling him anything, he had just gotten carried away. It was obvious to him that Jeno did not want Jaemin to know more than anyone else.

That thought saddened Jaemin. He wanted to be a person that Jeno could turn to with anything, no matter what it was. 

He pondered everything for a moment, before deciding it would be best to apologize. 

Wordlessly, he got off the couch and walked upstairs, leaving the two others alone. 

He wandered around for a bit before hearing noises in the kitchen. Nearing closer, he could hear two hushed voices. He was about to go in and announce himself, but the conversation intrigued him.

"Why don't you just tell him?" A voice spoke. Jisung.

Jaemin stayed outside the doorframe, pressed against the wall. 

"I wish I could." Jeno groaned. Jaemin could hear the stress in his voice. "I mean, you don't know what it's like! Being so in love with someone so close to you, but having no idea how to tell them!"


Jaemin was afraid if he made any noise, the conversation would stop, so he stayed frozen, controlling his breathing. 

So Jeno's person was a close friend of theirs. That's why he wouldn't tell. 

"I'm just worried that if I tell him, it will ruin everything. I don't want to lose one of my strongest relationships because of something that's most likely one sided."

That statement made a frown form on Jaemin's lips. He wished he could go in there and tell Jeno that everything would be ok, and no matter who it was, Jaemin would stay by his side. 

But he didn't. He just stayed glued to that wall.

"That's some optimistic thinking." Jisung said sarcastically, and Jaemin couldn't help but agree. 

"Listen, I'm not going to tell you what to do. But I know that if you told him, it wouldn't go as bad as you think it will." Jisung said, sincerity in his voice. Jaemin didn't know who Jeno's mystery man was, but he wanted to walk in there and agree wholeheartedly. 

"In the meantime though, your secret is safe with me." 

Rude. How come everyone else got to know Jeno's secrets but Jaemin? He tried not to think much of it, understanding that Jeno probably had a very good reason. 

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