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In a usually bustling café, it was a quiet night. The place was empty except for one filled table and an exhausted employee.

"Five milkshakes and a cookie." A tired figure approached the crowded booth, tray in hand. Remembering everyone's orders like the back of his hand, he placed each delicacy in front of the customers one by one.

"Thanks, Jaemin." One of them said, immediately grabbing a straw for his drink. He was about to take a sip when a sad pout appeared on his tan face.

"Hey!" The boy whined, pointing across the table. "Jeno has more whipped cream than I do!"

Jaemin eyebrows raised, realizing that his friend was correct. In fact, Jeno's milkshake looked much fancier than the other four at the table's. "Oops."

Hearing his friend's complaints, the corner of Jeno's lips turned up in satisfaction.

Choosing to ignore the boy's whining, Jaemin shrugged, taking a seat next to his best friend. "Nothing I can do about it."

The tan boy grumbled, taking a sip of the delicious treat. "No tip for you, Na Jaemin."

"When have you ever tipped me before, Donghyuck?" Jaemin laughed, eyeing his frustrated friend.

This was a regular occurrence. Once a week, the friend group would meet up at the restaurant where Jaemin worked, ordering the same thing every time.

They always came close to closing time, taking advantage of the empty establishment to talk and joke with each other.

Another boy spoke up, noticing something about his order. "That's not the only thing that's wrong, Hyuck." The giant kid said, nudging the other who was still mad about the lack of whipped cream.

"I ordered a cookie too but I don't see one in front of me." The youngest's brow raised, watching the employee across the table.

Jaemin's eyes widened as he realized he had forgotten to share the bad news. "I'm sorry, Jisung, but we're all out. I gave the last one to Chenle."

All eyes at the table went to the mentioned Chinese, who was currently breaking off a piece of the pastry in front of him.

Chenle's eyes widened at the sudden attention, but a smile quickly replaced his surprise.

"Here." The noisy child said, turning to Jisung. With no hesitation, he handed him a piece of the cookie. "We can share."

The older's blinding smile did something to Jisung, but he quickly hid his reaction, taking the treat and looking to the table. "Th-Thanks."

He cleared his throat and tried to ignore the feeling of Chenle's eyes on him. Luckily for him, everyone else at the table was completely oblivious to his behavior.

"So, Hyuck." Jeno spoke up, drawing the tan boy's attention. Choosing evil, Jeno decided to mess with the other. "Where's Mark?"

With a shrug of his shoulders, Donghyuck looked away, a frown on his lips. "I don't know. Why would I care?"

Jeno couldn't help but smile at the boy's horrible acting and desperate efforts to avoid eye contact. "Whatever you say."

best friend 》 nominWhere stories live. Discover now