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"Man, the service here sucks." Donghyuck chuckled, his knowing eyes on the kitchen door.

It was the weekly meet up. All seven were at the closed café, but only five were currently at the table. The missing two were in the kitchen, doing who knows what.

"Why did Jeno even tag along?" A confused Jisung questioned, his cravings for the cafe's sweet treats only growing. "I don't think he even knows how to make a milkshake."

Jaemin was taking much longer than usual, and the poor Park couldn't help but worry. The Na had seemed quite distracted last week, was he still bothered by something?

"Give them a break." Renjun smiled, his eyes meeting Donghyuck's. "Maybe they got distracted."

There seemed to be some joke circling the table, but Jisung was not a part of it.

Mark was just relieved to finally not be the oblivious one. He could only look down at the table, quite proud to understand the conversation.

"Distracted doing what?" Jisung questioned, quite aware of the snickers around him. Even Chenle was poorly attempting to hide a smile. "It's just milkshakes!"

"Maybe they're just talking." The Zhong shrugged, his eyes obviously hiding something. "I'm sure they'll be out in a minute."

The Park could only give the others a narrowed stare, his suspicion growing. Why did he feel like there was something he was missing?

Tired of feeling left out, he got to his feet, a determined look in his eyes. "I'm going to go check on them."

Who knows? Maybe something terrible had happened in that kitchen. An axe murderer could have broken in and hacked the two boys to pieces, and his oblivious friends could have no clue.

To him, there was a high possibility that he could be saving the older boy's lives by going in that kitchen, so that was what he was going to do.

Ignoring the other four's protests to stay put, Jisung made his way to the swinging door, prepared to fight anything that could come his way.

As he reached his destination, the Park took a quick peek in the small window in the door, his eyes widening. Turning to face the others, it was if he had seen a ghost. "You guys are not going to believe this!"

"You know, it's quite hard to do this when you've got a whole other person on you." Jaemin hinted, moving slow as he put the final preparations on the sugary drinks.

Jeno, who was currently glued to the younger's back with his arms tight around the Na's waist, just smiled. "I'm sorry."

The words were insincere, and Jaemin knew this because the older made no effort to move away. If anything, the Lee only pressed his chest further against the younger, his face buried in the Na's shoulder.

It had been a week since the wedding, and the two couldn't have been happier. Even though they had been best friends for years, they were discovering new things about the other and spending all their time together.

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