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"I love you, Jaemin. More than a best friend."

No surprise to anyone, Jaemin hadn't slept at all that night. He was too busy questioning everything and feeling sick over what Jeno had said.

There was no way the Lee meant it though, right?

Jaemin didn't really know. The other boy had been quite adamant, and something about Jeno's confession told him that he was speaking the truth.

So there he sat the whole night, a foot away from his best friend, rethinking everything he thought he once knew.

When the sun finally came up and Jeno started to stir, Jaemin panicked. What was he supposed to say when the other boy woke up? Jaemin wasn't even sure what was going on in his own head, it was a disaster at the moment.

So his inner-coward took over, his body moving to scratch out a quick excuse without even thinking about it.

Then he was gone.

He spent the entire day in his head, sifting through jumbled thoughts and feelings. He diligently searched for any explanation, an answer to all the questions he had. Despite hours of work, Jaemin was still clueless.

What did he feel for the older boy?

Jaemin desperately wished he could tell you, but he just wasn't sure.

Without him even noticing, the day had passed before he knew it. He returned to an empty apartment and a pile of missed calls and messages from his concerned best friend. Unsure of what to do, he typed out some lie about having to work.

The Na felt terrible lying to Jeno like that, so now, despite his better judgment, he was here.

On Jeno's front porch.

Regretting everything.

He wouldn't even be here except for his annoying conscience pestering him. After all, he had lied to Jeno the previous day. Not only that, but the last time they had been together Jeno was not well at all, and Jaemin needed to check on him.

Curse him for being caring. It sure was getting him into awkward situations.

Jaemin had been standing at the door for about 10 minutes, internally debating and pathetically attempting to convince himself to knock on the door.

So far he had not been successful.

Sometimes he would get close, his hand would get to the door, but then he'd hesitate, unable to make a sound.

The Na was never like this, but something on the other side terrified him.

What if it was awkward?

What if Jeno was mad at him for hearing the ill confession?

Jaemin had another fear, but he chose to ignore it, not ready to unpack it quite yet.

What if the confession wasn't meant for him at all?

What if in Jeno's state, he had mistook Jaemin for the real person he loved?

best friend 》 nominWhere stories live. Discover now