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Turning over in his bed, Jeno's eyes stayed shut tight. He was still in a state of half awake, half asleep, and wasn't quite ready to get up yet after being awoken so rudely by Donghyuck yesterday.

Instead, he buried his head further into his pillow, and pulled the covers more over him.

But to his surprise, they wouldn't budge.

It was almost as they were being weighed down by something, unable to move.

He ignored the peculiar situation; his brain still too tired to think properly, and yawned, turning the other way.

He had almost fallen back asleep too, until he felt fingertips gently brushing stray hairs off his face.

Slightly opening his eyes, Jeno spied a figure whose face was just a little too close to his own. He sat up with a jolt, surprising the other person on his bed.

"Oh my-" He exclaimed, moving as far away from the intruder as he possibly could. "Jaemin, how did you get in my house?"

"Same way I always do." The Na simply stated, unaware of the other's shock. He leaned forward, moving the final piece of hair from out of Jeno's eyes. "You're pretty when you're asleep."

Ignoring the slightly creepy compliment, Jeno sighed.

"Thanks?" He mumbled, shaking his head. He rubbed his tired eyes, although the surprise from finding Jaemin had woken him up for the most part. "How long have you been here?"

"Long enough to hear you talk in your sleep." Jaemin shrugged, his eyebrows wiggling along. "You said my name."

Smacking the other's arm, the Lee laughed. "You wish."

Although the chances of that situation actually happening were high, Jeno could tell that his best friend was just making it up.

"Alright fine." Jaemin frowned, disappointed that his lie didn't go through. "I just got here."

In all actuality, Jaemin was going to wake his friend up as soon as he got there, but something about the sight of the older just made him stop and admire, unable to move, let alone think.

It was a strange phenomenon, and Jaemin chose not to question why it had happened.

Accepting the answer, Jeno layed back down, fighting the urge to shut his eyes. "What are you doing here anyway? I thought you had work today."

"I did." Jaemin smiled, moving so his back was against the older's headboard. "I took the day off. Chenle covered my shift."

At the mention of their younger friend, Jeno nodded. He honestly forgot the Chinese was also an employee at the café, as he only ever went there when Jaemin was working.

"We're hanging out today! So get up and get ready!" Jaemin smiled, repeatedly smacking the older's chest.

Turning to burrow into his mattress, Jeno groaned. "It's too early for this." He said, but his face was deep in his pillow, so all Jaemin heard was mumbles.

best friend 》 nominWhere stories live. Discover now