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Huang Renjun?

Huang Renjun.

THE Huang Renjun?

What other Renjun could it be?

For hours, one name and one name only had circled Jaemin's brain.

He couldn't tell you why the name was bothering him so much, but it was. Terribly.

He blamed it on the fact that he hadn't expected that to be the name out of Jeno's lips, but deep down, he knew there was something else bothering him.

He just didn't know what.

Jaemin knew that Jeno should have said someone else's name too, but who that person was, he had no idea.

As usual.

Maybe it was the fact that they were such an odd pair together. Jaemin had tried many, many times to picture Jeno and Renjun together for his best friend's sake, but he just couldn't do it.

In his mind, Jeno belonged with someone else.

It was almost as if he could see the person in his mind. Well, not all of the person, just their silhouette. Although Jaemin didn't know who it was, something about them just felt right.

There was one thing he was sure of though, the mystery person wasn't Renjun.

This was someone different.

Someone taller.

Renjun just wasn't the one for the Lee, but Jaemin didn't dare tell Jeno that.

As long as Jeno was happy, Jaemin would stay quiet, and who knows? Maybe over time he would grow to love the two of them together.

Oh, it was no use.

No matter how many times he tried to stay optimistic, it just wouldn't work. Don't get him wrong, he loved Renjun dearly, but the thought of those two together brought a sour taste to his mouth.

He was torn. A part of him was happy that Jeno had his eye on someone, but the other part, the jealous part, wished that the Lee would just move on and find someone new.

"Hey, Jaemin!" A soft voice called, drawing the Na from his thoughts.

Jaemin had been so carried away, he had forgotten he was at work. Turning to the customer, Jaemin smiled. "Hello-"

Speak of the devil.

A cheerful Chinese stared at him from across the counter, causing Jaemin's face to drop.

"What can I get you?" He asked, moving to the register. He was quick to take the older's order, leaving no time to exchange in pleasantries.

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