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Ruby opened the door to her dorm, and her teammates looked up at her.

"Hey, Ruby!" Yang said. "Hey, where's the milk?"

Then, as if out of nowhere, Ruby screamed, pulled out Crescent Rose, and slammed it against the bathroom door, leaving a scar. The others backed up in fear of her sudden outburst.

"Ruby!" Weiss shouted. "You left a hole in the bathroom door, you dunce!"

"DO I LOOK LIKE I CARE?!" Ruby screamed.

WBY's eyes widened. They'd never seen Ruby so angry before.

That was when the terminator stepped into the room behind Ruby.

"Uh, Ruby?" Yang said. "Who's this?"

"I'm--" the terminator started, but Ruby cut him off.

"Don't," she growled. "I'll tell them. They won't believe you."

"Ruby, who is he?" Yang said.

Ruby sighed, and put Crescent Rose back in its original place.

"This is a terminator from the future," Ruby said. "He came here to save me from something... horrible..."

Her teammates looked at the terminator, and back at Ruby.

"I'm sorry, what?" they all said at the same time.

Ruby nodded. "I know it sounds crazy, and I thought it was too. But he gave me some... pretty solid proof. And now..." she clenched her fists and gritted her teeth, "... now I'm pissed."

Her teammates' eyes widened. "What did he tell you?"

Ruby sighed. "He told me... He told me I was going to be captured by Moonlit Farms, and they'd use me to make breast milk."

Yang sighed. "Ruby, he's obviously lying."

"That's what I thought too," Ruby said. "But when I met him, he saved me from two guys who were sneaking up behind me, and he showed me a message from you from the future. And no, it clearly wasn't an actor. Everything about the future you looked like you. The ears, the eyes, the hair, the voice. Everything. The only difference was you'd aged. It was you."

WBY exchanged concerned glances.

"Wait," Yang said. "So... people were going to capture you... and use you to make milk?"

Ruby nodded. "And the only reason I'm even in this room is because of him." She pointed to the terminator behind her. "Two guys were sneaking up behind me, and he took them out before they could even touch me."

Blake walked up to the terminator, and looked over him. "So... he's a... terminator... from the future...?"

"Affirmative," the T-(N) said.

"What exactly is a terminator?" Weiss asked.

"I'm a cyborg," the terminator explained. "I'm a robot with human tissue. I was sent back in time to protect Ruby. I stay by her side at all times to protect her from any danger."

"So he's been sticking with you since you guys met?" Yang said.

"Yeah," Ruby said, crossing her arms. "It's kinda annoying, but I think we could use him."

"Why?" Yang asked. "What are we going to do?"

"He told me Mom is being held in the factory," Ruby said.

Yang's eyes widened in shock. "No... That... That can't be true..."

"I'm having a hard time believing it too," Ruby said. "But I know he isn't lying. I need you guys."

"For what?" Weiss asked.

"I'm going to the milk factory," Ruby said. "I'm getting Mom out, and I'm giving those bastards what they deserve!"

The terminator walked up to her. "I can't let you do that."

"We talked about this," Ruby said. "You were programmed to do what I say, and I order you to help us."

The T-(N) froze. "Yes, ma'am."

Ruby smiled, and gave the terminator a pat on the head. "That's a good terminator."

A few hours later, Team RWBY and the T-(N) were standing near the milk factory.

Ruby looked at the cow-horn logo, realizing its true meaning.

"Cows," she growled.

"What?" Blake said, looking at her.

"The logo," Ruby said. "I think I'm starting to get it now. That's what their woman are to them. That's what I was going to be to them. A cow. All their women are cows to them. Is that right?"

"Affirmative," the terminator said.

"Well, that feels like an exaggeration," Yang said.

"Incorrect," the terminator said. "All their women are given cow-related apparel."

Yang's eyes widened. "So... they're literally cows to them?"

"Affirmative," the T-(N) said.

Her hair started burning up. "And... they were going to do all of that... to my sister?!?!"

"Affirmative," the terminator said.

Yang turned to Ruby. "What are we waiting for?! Let's take them out!!!"

"We need to set some rules first," Ruby said. "All but the terminator is a girl. If we aren't careful, they can catch us, and turn us into cows. The terminator will help of course, but I'm not really sure how powerful he is."

"We're Huntresses," Weiss said. "We can take them."

"I'm the leader," Ruby said. "I was almost caught, even with Crescent Rose. The only reason I'm still fine is because the terminator helped me. We need to stick together, keep an eye out for anyone trying to get the drop on us, and have each other's backs. If we screw this up, we'll all be used to produce breast milk."

"Sounds like a plan," Blake said.

"Do whatever you want to them," Ruby said. "Punish them however you want."

"With pleasure," Yang said.

"Only one rule," Ruby added. "Don't kill them. What they're doing is cruel, but we're not going to be worse than them. We're not going to be murderers. We punish them however we want, but we will not kill any of them." She pointed at the terminator. "That includes you. Don't. Kill. Anyone."

"Why?" the terminator asked.

"Because you can't," Ruby said.


"You just can't."


Ruby groaned in anger. "STOP ASKING THAT! You're programmed to follow my orders, and I order you not to kill anyone!"

"Alright," the terminator said.

"You have to swear it," Ruby said.

"What?" the T-(N) tilted his head.

Ruby groaned. "You're really annoying! Just lift your hand and say, 'I swear I will not kill anyone'!"

The terminator lifted his right hand. "I swear I will not kill anyone."

"Thank you," Ruby smiled. She pulled out Crescent Rose. "Now..." She turned to face the milk factory.

"It's time for them to face their Judgement Day!"

Ruby Rose's Terminator (Male! Terminator! Reader x Ruby Rose)Where stories live. Discover now