Field Trip

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(Y/N) was having an incredibly hard time processing the situation when Ruby pressed all the buttons on the elevator.

"Why did you do that?" he asked.

"Because it was fun!" Ruby said with a smile.

"Now it will take approximately 20 minutes to reach the top," (Y/N) said.

"20 minutes?!" Ruby said, eyes widened.

"Yes," (Y/N) said.

"Worth it," Ruby hissed with a smile.

"Error," (Y/N) said, eyes twitching. "Can't process."

Ruby started to panic. "Did I break you?! I'm sorry! I didn't mean to! Please don't break! I can't live without you! I'm sorry!"

"No, I'm fine," (Y/N) said, slamming his palm against his head. "Just having trouble understanding."

"Oh," Ruby turned away, blushing in embarrassment. "My bad."

They stayed silent for a moment, both trying to find a way to speak to one another.

Ruby was incredibly shy, not wanting to make (Y/N) lose his interest in her. She had no idea how to handle a crush, since she'd never felt this way before, and she didn't want to mess it up.

(Y/N), on the other hand, wasn't nervous at all. He couldn't feel nervous. He was simply trying to process how one speaks to one they love. Was he supposed to speak to her in a specific way, or did it even matter? Maybe he could ask her.

"Ruby," he said, turning to her.

Ruby turned to him. "Huh? W-W-What? What's up?"

"I've been processing about what you said about love," he said.

Ruby blushed. Had he fallen in love with someone? She prayed it would be her, even though she knew for a fact that it wasn't.

"What have you been... processing... about?" she asked.

"How does one speak to one they love?" he asked.

Ruby's heart dropped. Why was he asking her of all people? And if he was asking her, did that mean she wasn't the one he loved, if he did love someone? Why would he ask for dating advice from the person they love?

"I-I-I don't know," Ruby said. "I've never really felt that way about someone... until recently..."

"'Until recently'?" (Y/N) repeated.

"Yeah," Ruby nodded. "I... I think I found somebody I like... but they wouldn't feel the same..."

"I see," (Y/N) said.

New Information Processed: Ruby doesn't love me

"Forget I asked anything," he said.

And with that, they stayed silent the rest of the elevator ride up. Finally, the doors opened, and they stepped into Ozpin's office.

"Come in," Ozpin said.

"Sorry it took so long," Ruby said. "Someone accidentally hit all the buttons on the elevator on the way up here. It wasn't me."

"Really?" Ozpin said. He turned to (Y/N). "Is this true?"

(Y/N) knew better than to rat out Ruby like that. "Yes. I haven't identified the man, but he should be fired.

"I see," Ozpin said. "Thank you for coming, Ruby, (Y/N). How are you feeling?"

"Okay, I guess," Ruby said. "I'd feel better if my bad-guy-catching record wasn't O-for-three.

Ruby Rose's Terminator (Male! Terminator! Reader x Ruby Rose)Where stories live. Discover now