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Fear was tugging at Ruby more than ever.

Not for herself. She wasn't entirely sure if she could handle Mercury, but still, she wasn't scared of losing to him. She was scared that she'd lose to him, leaving (Y/N) to face him alone. She'd seen him get torn to shreds once, and she did not want to see that again.

This was the second time she stood protectively over the person meant to protect her. The first being in Mountain Glenn. And she was just as scared then as she was now.

"Leave my terminator alone," Ruby growled. "I almost lost him once. I'm not losing him for good!"

"You thought you were so smart?" Mercury said. "I have to admit, you did make yourself super obnoxious. But that's all you were. An annoyance."

"And I'm going to be a much bigger annoyance if you lay one finger on my terminator!" Ruby said.

"Ruby, we don't have much time," (Y/N) said.

"Fighters, are you ready?" Oobleck's voice came from the speakers on the other side of the wall.

"Oh-ho-ho, I am so breaking his leg!!!" Ruby growled.

"Well do it fast," (Y/N) said. "If we don't act soon, we're going to lose Penny."

Ruby's eyes widened, but they quickly turned into a scowl. "Nevermind, I'm breaking both!!!"

She charged at Mercury, swinging Crescent Rose behind, only for him to duck down and kick her away.

(Y/N) caught her with one arm, and used the other to shoot at Mercury, pulling off multiple spin-reloads before shooting again.

"Ruby, semblance!" (Y/N) said.

Ruby quickly used her semblance to speed straight towards Mercury, carrying (Y/N) with her. He prepared to kick her back, but she quickly swerved out of her way, and made her way out of the room.

She burst through the door, and glided straight towards the arena's force field. She collided with it, (Y/N) hacking into Beacon's power grid to weaken it. Ruby broke through, and landed on the ground, her aura drained.

(Y/N) quickly bent down to her.

"Ruby?!" he said, paying no attention to the confused crowd.

Ruby looked up to see Penny distracted, while sending her blades straight toward Pyrrha, who, in a panic, forced them back with her polarity semblance.

"(Y/N)... Penny..."

(Y/N) immediately stood up, pulled out an M4 Carbine, and used the rapid fire to shoot the wires off Penny's Floating Array before it could hit her.

Starts at 1:36

(Y/N) helped Ruby to her feet, and stepped up to the combatants in the middle of the field.

"What are you two doing?" Pyrrha said.

"We... saved... Penny," Ruby panted from using up her aura. "Hopefully... this will... at least delay... the fall."

Then, a voice came over the loudspeakers. Cinder's.

"You think this will stop anything?"

"Nevermind," Ruby grumbled, rolling her eyes.

"All you did was keep me from one important part of my plan. It may have worked, but the worst is still to come!"

Ruby sighed. "Well this is perfect." She slumped against (Y/N). "So... tired..."

(Y/N) lifted Ruby up bridal style, just as an alarm sounded.

"Guys?" Penny said as she looked around in confusion. "What's going on?"

"Pyrrha was going to be manipulated into killing you," (Y/N) explained. "And now Beacon is about to fall."

"What?!" Pyrrha and Penny said at the same time.

Suddenly, the alarm started blaring.

"Alert. Incoming Grimm attack. Threat level: Nine. Please seek shelter in a calm and orderly manner."

Instead of doing as the warning announcer said, the scared and confused civilians took off at top speed to get out of the arena as fast as possible.

Then, they heard Ironwood's voice over the loudspeaker.

"Ladies and gentlemen, please. There is no need for panic."

He was immediately proven wrong as a Giant Nevermore landed on the reactivated force field, and began clashing against it to enter, screeching loudly.

Ruby looked up at it, jaw dropped.

"This is all happening so much faster than I expected!" she said, clinging tighter to (Y/N).

"Cinder's original plan had Penny die and an announcement painting a questioning view over Beacon, before beginning the plan," (Y/N) explained. "Now that we stopped Penny's death, and Yang never did anything to Mercury, her announcement would've sounded more like a conspiracy theory. She had to begin the fall much quicker."

"Yeah, I got that," Ruby said. "Set me down."

(Y/N) attempted to set Ruby down, but the moment she had to stand on her own, she collapsed to the ground. (Y/N) bent down to hold her, as she leaned against his shoulder, panting.

"What's going to happen?" Ruby asked.

"Torchwick will be released in his airship cell," (Y/N) explained. "There he will take control of the Atlesian Knights, and turn them against us. Meanwhile thousands of packs of Grimm are invading the kingdom from every possible entry point."

Ruby cringed, and looked back up at the Nevermore as it started breaking through the shield.

"This sucks," she grumbled.

Ruby Rose's Terminator (Male! Terminator! Reader x Ruby Rose)Where stories live. Discover now