Lessons Learned

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"And with an amazing upset, Emerald and Mercury are victorious!" Oobleck's voice came over the speakers.

Ruby grumbled in anger. "Oh gee. I wonder if this was planned."

Cinder, who'd been sitting behind them the whole time, scowled as she heard that, realizing Ruby was on to her. She had to teach her to stay out of her way. Luckily, she already had something planned for one of her teammates.

All she needed was patience.

A few hours later, the fight was out of Ruby's mind as she was playing a video game with Qrow, (Y/N) and Yang watching from Weiss' bed.

"You'll never beat me, old man!" Ruby yelled.

"You're nothing but talk, kid!" Qrow said.

"You can do it, Ruby!" Yang cheered.

"Pain is just the Gods' way of telling you to try harder!" (Y/N) said.

And Qrow beat her.

Ruby's jaw dropped, and she slouched in disappointment.

"Ouch," Yang whispered.

"And by the way, don't ever call me old," Qrow said.

"My turn!" Yang said, shoving her sister out of the way, and grabbing the controller.

"Now, where was I?" Qrow asked.

"You were telling us about your last mission!" Ruby said, popping up between Qrow and Yang.

"Right, right," Qrow said. "I'd come across a small village in the swamps west of Mistral. Right off the bat, I knew something wasn't right."

"What were you doing there?" Ruby asked.

"I needed information," Qrow continued. "Tired from battling Grimm along the way, I decided to start my search at the town's inn. The place was crawling with lowlifes and thugs, even a few Huntsmen that I could only assume had been hired by less-than reputable people for less-than respectable jobs. And that's when it happened."

"What happened?" Yang asked.

"I was defeated," Qrow said, "by the mere sight... of the innkeeper's skirt length!"

Yang tossed a pillow at Qrow, giving him the advantage to beat her.

"You are the worst!" Yang said.

Qrow and Ruby laughed. "Best two out of three?"

"I don't understand the significance of a woman's skirt length," (Y/N) said.

"Of course the machine doesn't get aroused," Qrow rolled his eyes.

"Oh leave my terminator alone, Uncle Qrow," Ruby said, clinging to his arm.

"Your terminator?" Qrow repeated.

"They're dating," Yang said.

"'Dating'?" Qrow repeated.

"Is that... weird?" Ruby asked.

"Very," Qrow said. "Especially since he can't feel love back."

Ruby, Yang, and (Y/N) were immediately offended by that.

"He can feel plenty!" Ruby said.

"Yeah!" Yang said. "He's so much more than those Atlesian Knights of Ironwood's!"

Ruby Rose's Terminator (Male! Terminator! Reader x Ruby Rose)Where stories live. Discover now