Battle of Beacon

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Ruby's aura was starting to regenerate, but there was still a few ways to go before she'd fully recover.

"What are we supposed to do against all of this?" she said, looking up at (Y/N).

He was staring up at the Nevermore, and loading his ammunition.

Before Ruby could tell him anything, she felt her scroll vibrating. She pulled it out. It was Yang, calling both her and Blake.

She answered.

"Yang, are you okay?" she heard Blake ask.

"I'm fine," she said. "But there are Grimm everywhere! I knew this was going to be bad, but I didn't think it would be this bad!"

"I said there'd be a lot of Grimm," (Y/N) said.

"'A lot' is an understatement," Weiss said. "This can't be happening. But at least we've saved a couple lives. How's Penny?"

Penny stepped up beside Ruby. "I'm fine. What's happening?"

"I'm headed to the docks near the courtyard!" Yang said. "The White Fang are releasing Grimm into the school!"

"The White Fang is here?" Pyrrha said, stepping up beside (Y/N).

They could hear the snarling of Grimm coming from Yang's end.

"Yang!" Blake said.

"Ugh!" they heard from Yang. "Gotta go! Be careful!"

The call ended.

Ruby lowered her scroll in complete shock. "How can this be our fate...?"

"There is no stopping it at this rate," (Y/N) said. "But we can still keep things under control."

Ruby nodded to him.

Suddenly, there was a loud screeching noise, and Ruby looked up at the angered Nevermore.

"Warning: Safety Barriers Failing!" the warning announcer's voice came through the speaker.

As the Nevermore took off into the sky, circling the arena, Ruby looked up at (Y/N), with scared eyes.

"(Y/N)?" she said. He turned to her. "I'm... I'm scared... What if we can't control this? What if someone dies and we can't save them? What if... What if I lose you...?"

"That won't happen," (Y/N) said.

"But you don't have an aura!" Ruby said. "If I lose you, I don't know what I'd do!"

Their conversation was interrupted by the sound of the Nevermore banging against the force field on the roof, getting even closer to breaking it. It let out one more screech, before flying into the air, and diving down at full speed, finally breaking through the force field.

(Y/N) instinctively grabbed the still-recovering Ruby by the waist, and leapt backwards with Penny and Pyrrha, pulling out a grenade launcher, and firing it at the Nevermore's chin, causing it to crash against the ground.

Ruby's jaw dropped as (Y/N) gently set her back down on the ground, and she looked at him with a shocked expression.

"I told you, it won't happen," (Y/N) said.

Ruby smiled at him. "It better not."

Jaune leapt out from the bleachers, running up to Pyrrha.

"Pyrrha!" he said, pulling her into an embrace. "Are you okay?"

"I'm fine," Pyrrha said. "Perfectly fine."

(Y/N) watched them with Ruby.

"That's a relationship?" he said to her.

Ruby Rose's Terminator (Male! Terminator! Reader x Ruby Rose)Where stories live. Discover now