End of the Beginning

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Ruby opened her eyes, finding herself in a familiar location.

But it wasn't Beacon.

She groaned, taking a moment to look around her surroundings. She knew this place. It was her house.

She looked to the side of her bed, and saw Tai and Summer, sleeping together on two chairs next to her bed.

Ruby sat up, starting to regain her consciousness.

"Mom?" she said. "Dad?"

They opened their eyes, and grew excited as they saw Ruby awake.

"Ruby!" they said at the same time.

They stood up, and knelt over next to her.

"You're awake!" Tai said.

"I was so worried!" Summer said.

"What happened?" Ruby asked.

"Your uncle Qrow found you, unconscious," Tai explained. "He got you out of there, though, and brought you home safe."

Ruby looked down for a moment, but her eyes widened as she remembered.

"Wait! Yang!" she said. "Is she alright!?"

Tai and Summer exchanged worried glances, before looking back to Ruby.

"Physically, she's alright," Summer said.

"I think she's just," Tai continued for her, "I think it's just gonna take some time for her to get used to things. She's too strong to let this stop her." He wiped tears away for a moment. "I'm just glad to have my girls back at home."

Ruby looked around, looking for (Y/N). "Where's (Y/N)? Where's my terminator?"

They stayed silent, neither wanting to break the news to her. She clearly was having a hard time remembering what had happened before she'd blacked out.

"What happened to the school?!" Ruby asked. "And Vale?! Were they able to clear out the Grimm?"

"Things at Vale are under control," Tai said, "but the school... It's... It's not that simple. That thing, whatever it is, doesn't seem to be dead. Don't get me wrong, you did a number on it. But it's not disappearing. It's... kind of... frozen. I know that doesn't sound too bad, but it keeps attracting more Grimm to the school."

Ruby tilted her head in confusion. "I did... what?"

They looked up at her.

"You said I did a number on it," Ruby said. "What do you mean?"

Summer sighed. "It's... complicated..."

"Look that's not important right now," Tai said. "We can talk about it later. Things are just... kind of a mess."

"It's always a mess."

They turned around, and saw Qrow standing by the door, taking a drink from his flask.

"Mind if we have a minute?" he asked.

"What, we can't stay here?" Tai said.

"Guys," Qrow said. "Please."

They stood up, and Summer gave Ruby a kiss on the forehead.

"I'm glad you're alright," she said.

She started walking away with Tai.

"I'll go make us some tea," he said.

Tai gave Qrow a glare as he left with his wife.

Qrow approached Ruby's bed. He set a chair up closer to her, and sat down.

Ruby Rose's Terminator (Male! Terminator! Reader x Ruby Rose)Where stories live. Discover now