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Ruby was looking through her cards, with (Y/N) sitting next to her.

"Which one should I use?" she asked him. "I'm thinking the Atlesian Airfleet."

"Negative," (Y/N) said. "Using the Atlesian Airfleet can activate a trap card."

"A risk I'm willing to take," Ruby said. "What are the chances someone will have a trap card when the game starts?"

"100%," (Y/N) said.

"Trust me, (Y/N)," Ruby patted his shoulder. "You've just gotta have faith! I know what I'm doing!" She turned to Yang. "Yang Xiao Long, prepare your kingdom for battle!"

"Bring it on!" Yang said, pumping her fist.

"I deploy the Atlesian Air Fleet!" Ruby yelled, raising her card. Yang gasped. "Looks like I get to fly right over your Ursai and attack your walls directly!"

"You fiend!" Yang yelled, pointing at her.

"And since Atlas is part of Mantle, my repair time is only one turn," Ruby said.

As soon as she heard Yang chuckling arrogantly, she started to realize what was about to happen.

"Pretty sneaky, sis, but you just activated my trap card!" Yang said, showing her card to Ruby.

"Whaaat?!" Ruby squealed.

"As predicted," (Y/N) said. "Next time listen to the time traveler."

"Giant Nevermore!" Yang slammed the card against the table. "If I roll a seven or higher, fatal feathers will slice your fleet in two!"

"But, if you roll a six or lower, the Nevermore will turn on your own forces!" Ruby said.

"That's just a chance I'm willing to take," Yang said.

The game continued, Yang immediately gaining the upper hand.

"Nooooo!!! My fearless soldiers!"

"Eh, most of them were probably androids."

"Hey! (Y/N)'s right here!"

"Ah, he doesn't care. He just does what he's programmed to do."

"You offended him the other night!"

"That's besides the point. You won't be able to avenge those soldiers until I draw my rewards! Which are double this round thanks to the Mistral Trade Route!"


"Oh, and what's this? The Smugglers of Wind Path?"

"Bah! Bah, I say!"

"I say, it looks like I'm taking two cards in my hand!"

"Have you no heart?!"

Ruby collapsed on the table, groaning. "Nooo!" Suddenly, she clung to (Y/N)'s arm. "(Y/N)! Yang's being mean!"

(Y/N) began patting her head.

"I'm not a dog!" Ruby said.

"Neither am I, and you still pat my head."

"Fair point."

Yang turned to Weiss. "Well, Weiss, it's your turn."

"I have... absolutely no idea what's going on," Weiss said.

Yang slid up beside her and put a hand on her shoulder. "Look, it's easy! You're playing as Vacuo which means that all Vacuo-based cards come with a bonus."

"That sounds dumb," Weiss said.

Yang started looking through her cards. "See, you've got Sandstorm, Desert Scavenge... Oh, oh!" She pulled up a card to show Weiss. "Resourceful Raider! See, now you can take Ruby's discarded Air Fleet..."

Ruby Rose's Terminator (Male! Terminator! Reader x Ruby Rose)Where stories live. Discover now