Dance Dance Infiltration

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Ruby stood with (Y/N) at the punch bowl.

She looked out at the people dancing in front of her, giving an occasional glance at her terminator beside her.

"So," she said, "I'm guessing you've never been to a party before?"

"No," (Y/N) said. "I was sent back in time not too long after I was created."

"So I guess I was your first friend, right?" Ruby said, looking up at him.

"Yes," he said.

Ruby sighed. "I'm sorry we were so mean to you when we met."

"Don't be," (Y/N) said. "I don't care, and I never did."

"That doesn't mean it was okay," Ruby said. "You did everything for us, and we treated you like a machine."

"But I am a machine," (Y/N) said.

"No, you're made of metal," Ruby said. "You're so much more than just a machine."

(Y/N) looked back at the people dancing in front of him, processing the conversation. What made her care so much for a machine? That was all he was, and all he'd ever be. A machine. He wasn't human, wasn't a faunus, and wasn't anything like Penny. At least Penny was programmed with a personality and a soul. He was only programmed to follow his mission, his Number One Priority. He didn't have a personality or anything. He just followed his programming.

"I don't understand," he said.

Ruby tilted her head. "What don't you understand?"

"Why you care," (Y/N) said. "I don't have a soul like you or the others. I don't even have a personality like Penny. I'm a killing machine programmed to follow my mission, even if it means killing people."

"Stop!" Ruby said. "You weren't programmed with a personality, but you're growing a consciousness. You're making your own decisions. You're..." her mood started to shift at her next words, "You're... detaching yourself from me... the point is, you're getting your own identity. You're gaining a soul. You're just as human as I am. Just as faunus as Blake is. You have a soul, it's just not as obvious as mine, or Penny's, or Yang's."

In that moment, as (Y/N) stared into Ruby's silver eyes, he started to understand. He understood why Ruby had ordered him not to kill anyone, including the people who were planning on capturing and milking her. As he gazed into her silver eyes, scanning and studying every beautiful detail, he finally understood the value in human life.

And it was something he'd never take for granted again.

"Thank you, Ruby," he said.

She smiled at him. "Anything for my terminator."

Jaune stepped up, interrupting the conversation.

"I see you're hiding at the punch bowl too," he said.

Ruby sighed in annoyance. "Yep." A pop was heard as she put emphasis on the p.

"To the socially awkward," Jaune said, holding out his glass.

Ruby giggled, and they clinked glasses.

"Sorry things didn't work out with Weiss," she said.

"Meh, it's fine," he said. "Neptune's pretty cool. I get why she went with him."

"What do you mean?" Ruby said.

"Well, come on, not many people can pull off blue hair," Jaune said, drinking his punch.

Ruby Rose's Terminator (Male! Terminator! Reader x Ruby Rose)Where stories live. Discover now