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Ruby had clung herself to (Y/N) plenty of times when they started dating, but she'd never attached herself to him as tightly as now.

The idea that someone would try to kill him terrified her more than anything. She couldn't live without him. Not when she cared so deeply for him, not to mention a defenselessness she felt without him.

"Okay," Weiss said, carrying the conversation on, "so we know they're going to try and kill you. The only question I have is how would they intend to do it?"

"They'll figure something out," (Y/N) said. "They're smart. Whatever they have planned will be out-of-the-box thinking that not even I may be able to predict."

"They won't kill you!" Ruby said, holding him tighter. "I won't let them!"

"I know," (Y/N) said.

"Whatever they're planning to do with him, we have to stop it before it happens," Blake said. "If what he's told us is right, they're going to destroy all of Remnant if he doesn't exist!"

"That's true," Weiss nodded. "He can help us find out what they're going to do after they destroy Beacon."

"As much as I agree, that's not the only reason to keep him safe," Yang said. "If they kill him, it will be just as bad as killing one of us. Whether he can help us or not doesn't change the fact that he's our friend."

"Even so, my presence among you is irrelevant," (Y/N) said. "The reason Remnant fell to ruins is because you four weren't there to help. My mission was to keep Ruby from being captured and milked so you could protect Remnant. My assistance afterwards never mattered."

"It matters to me!" Ruby said. "You know I need you!"

"I know," (Y/N) said. "I know how much I matter to you. I'm not speaking less of myself. I'm not saying I have no purpose. I'm simply stating facts."

Yang smiled. "As long as you're not denying your soul, I'm happy. But fact or not, you're going to help us save Remnant. You're Ruby's terminator. Our teammate. Our friend."

"Yeah!" Ruby said, looking up at (Y/N). "And what was that you said about fate?"

"The future is not set," (Y/N) said. "There is no fate but what we make for ourselves."

"I'm not going to make a fate where I lose you!" Ruby said.

"None of us are," Weiss said.

(Y/N) nodded to them. "Thank you. It means a lot."

Ruby stood up. "The next match will be starting soon. I say we go up there, and make sure Cinder, Emerald, and Mercury don't hurt anyone."

"Sounds like a plan," Yang said. "What about (Y/N)?"

"He'll stick with me," Ruby said.

"He always sticks with you," Weiss said.

Ruby pulled him in for another hug. "Well he is my terminator after all."

He smiled, and gave her a pat on the head.

Weiss sighed. "Just keep a close eye on him, alright? We don't want to lose him."

"If anyone lays a finger on my terminator, they are going to suffer!" Ruby hissed.

"Whatever," Weiss rolled her eyes.

"Alright, here's what we're going to do," Ruby said. "(Y/N) and I will head up to the arena to keep an eye out for Cinder, Emerald, or Mercury. Weiss, Blake, you head down to the fairgrounds to make sure nothing happens down there. Yang, you stay here in Beacon to keep an eye out here."

"Sounds like a plan," Yang said, giving a thumbs up.

"Definitely an efficient plan," Blake said.

"Good to see your leadership skills taking form," Weiss said.

"Thanks," Ruby said. "Alright, Team RWBY... and (Y/N)... let's do this!"

A few minutes later, Ruby and (Y/N) were in line to get back up to the arena, when Ruby spotted Velvet taking photos.

She approached her to have a quick conversation, (Y/N) following.

"I thought we were--"

"I'm allowed to have one quick chat," Ruby said.

"Ruby, (Y/N), how you going?" Velvet asked, turning to them.

"Hi, Velvet!" Ruby greeted. "What're you up to?"

"Oh, you know," Velvet said. "Just working on my photography. Do you wanna see?"

She showed Ruby the photo. It was a picture of Sun, only it cut off his head and feet.

"That's... better," Ruby said, with a forced grin.

"Congrats on your sister's win," Velvet said with a smile.

Ruby smiled back. "Thanks." Her smile faded. "I'm sorry your team lost so early."

"It's fine," Velvet said. "Most people don't know what it's like on the battlefield. I mean, even experienced fighters can get scared and start seeing things. If it happened to Coco, it can happen to anyone."

"Coco saw things?" Ruby said.

"Yeah," Velvet nodded. "She swore she saw Yatsu with her in the forest during the fight with Emerald and Mercury, but he never even made it out of the geyser fields. Stress-induced hallucinations, apparently."

Ruby scowled, realizing Emerald must've lied about her semblance. "Yeah... hallucinations..."

She was snapped out of her scowl when Velvet took a photo of her.

"Oh! Sorry."

Not too long later, Ruby made her way into the arena with (Y/N), looking around for any sign of Cinder, Emerald, or Mercury.

"Do you see any of them?" Ruby asked.

"Yup," (Y/N) said.

He pointed across the arena. Ruby squinted, but she managed to catch a glimpse of Emerald.

"Got her," Ruby said.

"She's looking directly at us," (Y/N) said.

Ruby panicked, thinking this could be a trap for him.

"Come on, let's get you somewhere safe so I can tell the others where they are without any trouble," she said.

They stepped into a room with a maintenance sign on the door. They could hear Oobleck's voice on the other side of the door.

Then, Mercury stepped out from a door up ahead. Ruby instinctively moved in front of (Y/N), pulling out Crescent Rose, while he pulled out a shotgun.

"Mercury," she hissed.

"You and your teammates are really annoying, you know that?" Mercury said.

Port's voice came from the other side of the wall. "It looks like our first contender is... Penny Polendina from Atlas..."

"We know what you're planning," Ruby said. "Give yourself up now!"

But he only smirked.

"And her opponent will be... Pyrrha Nikos from Beacon!"

Ruby's eyes widened as she realized what was happening. "No..."

"Ooh, polarity versus metal," Mercury said. "That could be bad."

Ruby growled in pure rage, loading Crescent Rose.

"You know?" Mercury said, standing in a battle pose. "I've been waiting to kill that machine from the moment I first saw him."

(Y/N) loaded his shotgun.

"Chill out, dickwad."

Ruby Rose's Terminator (Male! Terminator! Reader x Ruby Rose)Where stories live. Discover now