Mountain Glenn

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Ruby ran her fingers through Zwei's hair, her only thoughts being the cyborg next to her.

At this point, she only referred to him as a cyborg out of some sort of obligation. In her eyes, he was human. A person. But she felt like she had to remind herself of how non-human he was. She had to accept he wasn't human to understand how important whoever he loved was to him. Yet she kept forgetting about the fact that he was a machine.

It was funny. She used to have trouble viewing him as anything other than a machine. She'd try to see him as a human, but no matter how hard she'd tried, she always saw him as a robot. A machine. Of course she started to see him growing a personality, and then she gained a crush on him, and now it was the complete opposite. She saw him as a human, and kept reminding herself he wasn't.

She was tired of the silence. She didn't want to have her already strong companionship with him ruined because of some other girl.

"Just so you know, I still want to be your friend," she said to him. "I don't want anything ruining our friendship."

(Y/N) didn't turn to her, but she knew he was listening.

"You do?" he said.

"Yeah," Ruby said. "I don't know why, but it feels like we've been drifting apart recently. I don't want that to happen. You're the best friend I've ever had, and I don't want that ruined."

(Y/N) processed the information. She wanted to stay friends. Not what he wanted, but it was better than nothing. He was fine with that.

Relationship Status: Friends

"Me neither," he said. "You are the first friend I ever had. I don't want that gone."

Ruby smiled. He was opening up. She looked at his glasses. She had a hard time reading his emotions with those sunglasses covering his eyes, even if he was a robot who couldn't do that. Still, she wondered what his eyes looked like underneath.

"Hey, why do you wear those glasses?" she asked.

"To blend in with the humans," (Y/N) said.

Ruby smiled. "You don't need glasses to do that. Is there something wrong with your eyes or something?"

"No," he said. "They resemble a human's. It's just my way of looking as human as possible."

"Can I take them off?" Ruby asked.

"If you want," (Y/N) said.

Ruby turned his head to face her, and took off the glasses, and, for the first time, she could see his (E/C) eyes. Her jaw dropped as she lost herself, gazing into them.

(Y/N) was amazed himself. He'd been wearing those glasses for so long, the world seemed naturally dark to him. Now that they were removed, he could see Ruby without the darkness of those glasses shielding his view of her. He could finally see Remnant's shattered moon reflecting off her silver eyes, and he was in disbelief at how beautiful they were.

Beauty. He knew what it was before, so he was well aware Ruby was beautiful, but he hadn't really understood it until now.

New Information Processed: Ruby is beautiful

"You're beautiful," (Y/N) said, not understanding the consequences of saying that.

Ruby was shocked to hear him say that, and blushed red.

"Your face is red," (Y/N) said. "What does it mean?"

"N-N-Nothing!" Ruby stuttered, turning away, and covering her face with her hood. She took a glance at (Y/N), who stared at her.

Ruby Rose's Terminator (Male! Terminator! Reader x Ruby Rose)Where stories live. Discover now