Heroes and Monsters

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Ruby's jaw dropped as she watched the Wyvern fly passed her.

It was still unbelievable to her how bad things got so fast. Now they were dealing with a Wyvern. She didn't think she'd face one while she was still in school, but it looked like she didn't have much of a choice at this point.

It was then that she noticed the dozens of flying Grimm following behind it.

"Ruby, incoming!" (Y/N) said.

Ruby looked up, and the two leapt out of the way as a Griffon landed behind them. While (Y/N) shot it in the head, Ruby leapt into the air, slicing it, and kicking it back. She slid backwards, before charging back at the Griffon, slicing at it, while (Y/N) fired at it with his own gun.

Then, she turned around to see Neo, standing next to the T-1000. The smaller female's Atlesian clothes faded away, turning back into her usual attire, as she snapped a photo of them, giving a wink.

Ruby groaned in anger. "Great, these guys."

"You take Neo, I take the T-1000," (Y/N) said.

"But last time--"

"Last time I was trying to keep you safe. Neither of us need to keep the other safe right now. I can take him."

Ruby nodded, and ran to face Neo, while (Y/N) approached the T-1000.

He reloaded his shotgun, before firing at it, causing it to stagger backwards. The liquid-metal robot tried to approach, only to be constantly be knocked backwards by (Y/N)'s bullets. Finally having enough, Torchwick's terminator shot its arm forward, sending a sharp, silver blade directly into (Y/N)'s shoulder. He retracted the blade, bringing the other terminator closer.

Once (Y/N) was face-to-face with the T-1000, he kicked it back, knocking it away, and pushing the blade out from his shoulder. He fell to his knees, and the T-1000 walked up to him. He grabbed him by the shirt collar, lifted him up, and punched him in the stomach, before tossing him away.

(Y/N) sat up, and reached for his shotgun, only to realize it was gone. He looked up to see the T-1000, slowly raising the shotgun, and firing at him.

Starts at 0:09

The ship rocked underneath Ruby's feet, and she spotted Crescent Rose stuck at the edge of the airship.


She spun around, looking for (Y/N), and immediately spotted him being pummeled by the T-1000.

Panicking, Ruby used her semblance to dash up to them. She spotted (Y/N)'s shotgun sliding down the airship. She stopped her semblance for a moment to grab it, before using it one more time to move above (Y/N) and the T-1000.

She stopped in mid-air, and fired down at Torchwick's terminator, causing it to go flying downward, releasing her own. (Y/N) started to fall as the airship began to tilt too far. Ruby's eyes widened in fear, and she used her semblance again to dash down to him.

She grabbed him, and hugged him tightly as they fell to Crescent Rose. (Y/N) smiled at Ruby as he processed the situation.

"Who exactly is the protector here?" he asked.

Ruby smiled, and gave him a quick peck on the lips. "Both of us."

As they passed Crescent Rose, Ruby reached out, and grabbed it, pulling it with them. They looked up to see the T-1000 charging down the airship to reach them, before lunging off, heading straight towards them.

Together, Ruby and (Y/N) turned Crescent Rose into its sniper form, aimed it up at the T-1000, and loaded it with flame-dust ammunition, before saying the one-liner at the same time.

"Hasta la vista, baby!"

They fired, lighting up the T-1000 in flames, and watching as it fell to the ground, melting away as it went.

They smiled at each other. Ruby held (Y/N) in a tight hug with one arm, and turned Crescent Rose into its scythe form. She lowered the blade, until they were standing on it, and began firing, the recoil slowing their descent to the ground.

"I love you," (Y/N) said.

Ruby's smile widened as she looked up at him. "I love you, too."

Then, she looked back down to the ground below, hearing the sounds of explosions, Grimm roars, and screaming.

"But we're not done yet."

Ruby Rose's Terminator (Male! Terminator! Reader x Ruby Rose)Where stories live. Discover now